KEESM 10-01-21
    1000 Administrative Information
       1100 Program Descriptions and Purpose, General Information, and Administration and Supervision
       1200 Rights and Responsibilities
       1300 Prudent Person, Simplified Eligibility And Verification
       1400 Application Process, Case Disposition, and Written notice of Case Action
          1410 Application Process
          1411 General Information
          1411.1 How to Apply - Applicable to All Programs
          1411.2 Application Date
          1411.3 Who May File
          1411.4 Withdrawing the Application
          1411.5 Universal Access
          1411.6 Registration of Applications
          1412 Interview Process
          1412.1 Face-to-Face Interview
          1412.2 Who May Be Interviewed
          1412.3 Agency's Responsibilities For the Interview
          1412.4 Telephone Interviews
          1413 Time In Which Application is to be Processed and Case Disposition
          1414 Disposition of Applications
          1414.1 Approval
          1414.2 Denial
          1414.3 Pending
          1415 Expedited Service for the Food Assistance Program
          1415.1 Expedited Services for the Food Assistance Program
          1415.2 Exceptions to Expedited Timeliness Standards
          1415.3 Special Procedures for Expedited Service
          1416 Procedures for Destitute Migrant Households (Food Assistance Program Only)
          1416.1 Determining if a Household is Destitute
          1416.2 Income to be Considered When Determining if a Household is Destitute
          1417 Applying for Food Assistance at SSA Offices and Pre-release Applications from Public Institutions
          1417.1 Eligibility for Joint Processing at SSA Offices
          1417.2 Duties of the SSA Interviewer
          1417.3 Telephone Interviews by SSA
          1417.4 DCF Action on Applications Filed with SSA Staff
          1417.5 Waiver of DCF Interview
          1417.6 Verification on File at SSA
          1417.7 Verification Required on SSA-Filed Applications
          1417.8 Review Periods for SSI Households
          1417.9 Notice of Expiration (Pure SSI Households)
          1417.10 Restoration of Lost Benefits
          1420 Case Disposition
          1421 Provisions Specific to Cash and Food Assistance Eligibility
          1423 Reinstatement of Assistance
          1424 Termination of Assistance
          1430 Written Notice of Case Action
          1431 Timely and Adequate Notice
          1432 Adequate Notice Only
          1433 Automatic Benefit Adjustments for Classes of Clients
          1434 Notice of Actions Resulting from Federal Match Data
          1434.1 Special Provisions for Matches Obtained Via the eDRS (Food Assistance Only)
          1435 Reserved
          1436 Death and Prisoner Match (Food Assistance Only)
       1500 Payment Information And Payees and Representatives
       1600 Fair Hearings, Complaints, and Grievances
       1700 - General Information About Other Programs and Miscellaneouus
    2000 General Eligibility
    3000 Self-Sufficiency Activities
    4000 Assistance Planning With Individual Applicants/Recipients
    5000 Resources
    6000 Income
    7000 Budgeting of Income and Determination of Financial Eligibility
    8000 Reserved
    9000 Reporting Changes, Transfer Of Assistance And Reviews
    10000 Child Care Providers
    11000 Incorrect Benefits And Fraud Determinations
    12000 Reserved
    13000 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
KEESM Appendix
KEESM Miscellaneous Forms
KEESM Summary of Changes and SCLs
Implementation and COLA Memos
Policy Memos
KEESM Past Revisions
Web Links
Printing Instructions