2512 Eligibility Factors and Verification Deemed for Food Assistance Eligibility Purposes -


The eligibility factors which are deemed to be met for food assistance eligibility purposes because of categorical eligibility status are:

  1. Resources - The resources of all categorically eligible households are exempt and do not have to be verified for food assistance purposes. Also, see 5430 (20).
  2. Social Security Number Information - Since Social Security numbers (SSN) will have already been provided or applied for as a result of receiving TANF and/or SSI benefits, this information does not have to be separately provided for food assistance eligibility purposes. However, SSN's or the fact that an application for an SSN has been completed should be documented for all household members.
  3. Residency - Residency does not have to be verified for food assistance eligibility purposes when the household is categorically eligible.
  4. Sponsored Alien Information - If a household is categorically eligible, sponsored alien information provided for TANF or SSI purposes does not have to be verified.
  5. Gross and Net Income Limits - The gross and net income eligibility limits do not apply when the household is categorically eligible. Therefore, a household could exceed the food assistance income limits and still be eligible due to their categorical status, but may or may not receive food assistance benefits because of the way benefit levels are calculated.

    All other verification requirements of 1322 and subsections continue to apply with the only exceptions as listed above.


2513 Households Not to be Considered Categorically Eligible – The following TANF, and/or SSI households shall NOT be considered categorically if the following applies:


  1. A household contains a member who is disqualified for fraud per 11200. The remaining household members may participate if otherwise eligible, but may not participate solely on the basis of categorical eligibility. The disqualified member may not participate under any circumstances.

  2. A household is closed for failure to complete the Interim Report Form or the 12-Month Report Form per 9122.6 and 9372, respectively.

  3. A household contains a member who is disqualified as a fleeing felon/probation or parole violator per 2182, or convicted of a drug-related felony provisions of 2184. The remaining household members may participate if otherwise eligible, but may not participate solely on the basis of categorical eligibility. The disqualified member may not participate under any circumstances.


2514 Persons Not to be Included in a Household Which is Otherwise Categorically Eligible - The following persons shall not be considered when determining if a household is categorically eligible, nor shall they be included as a household member in any household which is otherwise categorically eligible:


  1. An ineligible alien as defined in 2140.

  2. Ineligible under the student provisions of 2530.
  3. Institutionalized per 4230, unless residing in one of the five types of institutions listed that are eligible to participate in the Food Assistance Program.

  4. Ineligible due to failure to comply with work related requirements per 3511 or the comparable requirements of 2550.

  5. Persons determined ineligible due to the able-bodied adults without dependents provision of 2520.


2515 Work Related Requirements -


Food Assistance E&T Program –


Non-exempt ABAWDS and work registrants 52-59 without children on the food assistance case, who are not meeting the 30 hour a week work requirement are mandatory participants in the Food Assistance E&T program. Case Management Services are provided and failure to cooperate with the program and verify 30 hours of weekly participation in Food Assistance E&T activities will result in violations of 3 months, 6 months or 12 months. At least 11 hours or more of weekly participation must be in education and/or employment activities or an ABAWD month will be counted.


Support services must be provided to E&T participants, including applicants and volunteers, for expenses that are reasonably necessary and directly related to participation in the E&T program. If the agency is unable to pay for expenses necessary and directly related to participation in the E&T program, the client cannot be sanctioned for failure to meet E&T participation requirements.


2516 Special Provisions for SSI Households - Households applying simultaneously for SSI and food assistance shall be subject to food assistance eligibility criteria. Benefit levels shall be based solely on food assistance eligibility criteria until the household is considered categorically eligible.

Individuals who have applied for SSI and food assistance, or who are receiving food assistance, who become entitled to the excess medical deduction and uncapped shelter deduction due to the approval of SSI benefits, shall receive such deductions for the period for which they are authorized to receive SSI or the date of the original food assistance application whichever is later. Such individuals shall have benefits restored using these special deductions if they have such expenses.


2517 Termination of Categorical Eligibility - If the household has a change in circumstances and any household member is no longer a recipient of TANF and/or SSI, or the household no longer qualifies under 2510 (2), the household is no longer considered to be categorically eligible. The change in circumstances shall be handled in accordance with 9121 or 9122 as appropriate. When categorical eligibility terminates, the special provisions of 2512 no longer apply.


2518 Categorical Eligibility and Claims - If it is determined that an TANF or SSI categorically eligible household's resources exceed the TANF or SSI limit and an overpayment exists on the TANF or SSI program, no corresponding overissuance shall exist for Food Assistance Program purposes. This is because categorical eligibility is based on all household members receiving or being authorized to receive TANF or SSI payments and the household's subsequent eligibility for these payments is not relevant for food assistance eligibility purposes.