Family Services
DCF Administration Building
555 S. Kansas Ave., 6th Floor
Topeka, KS 66603


Regional Directors
Economic and Employment Services Program Administrators
Economic and Employment Services Staff
Prevention and Protection Services Administrators
Other Staff


Summary of Changes for Kansas Economic and Employment Services Manual (KEESM) Revision No. 116 effective July 1, 2024


A brief overview of the major changes is described below. Other clarifications and technical corrections are also included and described in the next section. Additional technical corrections not mentioned here are being incorporated into KEESM, as needed.


  1. Child Care

    1. Changes

      1. Special Types of Payments – KEESM 10260 is being modified, adding differential payments, which are direct payments made to child care providers based on criteria determined by the agency. These payments are tied to specific children, focusing on high-need areas and vulnerable populations. In addition, reference to the three hour minimum payments is also being removed, as this type of payment was ended effective 4-1-22, but this reference was overlooked at the time.

    2. Clarifications

      1. Interviews – KEESM 1412.1 is being modified to clarify that an interview is not required for child care and that required information needed to determine eligibility must be requested in writing from the client if it cannot be obtained though collateral contacts.

  2. Employment Services

    1. Changes

      1. KEESM 3100.1(2), 3100.2(2), 3110.2, 3120.2, 3140.2, 3140.3, 3300.1(2), 3300.3(2), 3310.7(2), 3330.1 Note, 3420.1 through 3420.7 –The KEESM references linked with the GOALS program have been removed as this program is terminated.

      2. KEESM 2835.2, 3110.1, 3200, 3310.8, 3320, 3330, 3330.9, 3340, 3512 – References within these sections containing terminology related to the GOALS program have been removed as this program is terminated.

      3. KEESM 3410.2(b), 3410.3(2b), 3430.3(2) – Car repairs for vehicles that do not belong to participants will no longer be approved by Employment Services and all references have been removed.

      4. KEESM 3310.4 and 3310.6 – Employment Services does not currently use the components of Work Experience and Supervised Community Service. Since these references included procedures and had some errors in the wording, language has been either updated or removed.

    2. Clarifications

      1. KEESM 3512 – The wording has been updated to clarify that a non-sanctioned member of the ineligible MFU may reapply for benefits if they leave the ineligible MFU and join another MFU.

  3. Food Assistance

    1. Changes

    2. Clarifications

      1. Interim Report and 12 Month Report Form – KEESM 9122.6 (1)(c)(ix) has been clarified on action to take if the question is answered yes or no and had prior medical expenses being allowed vs no prior medical expenses being allowed.

      2. Interim Report and 12 Month Report Form – KEESM 9122.6 (1)(d)(vi) has been clarified on action to take if the question is answered yes or no and had prior medical expenses being allowed vs no prior medical expenses being allowed.

  4. TANF Suspicion Based Drug Testing Program

    1. Changes

      1. KEESM 2260.8 - Changed "career navigator shall notify SBDT via dcf.sbdt@ks.gov" to the "career navigator will direct the client to DCFPayment Portal via www.dcf.ks.gov. The client will select SBDT Retest and submit an electronic payment of $125.00 plus a processing fee."


Employment Services

E-9 and E-9S, GOALS Self-Sufficiency Agreement, have been removed.


All Programs

ES-3100AP has been removed.

Child Care

ES-1627 has been updated.

Employment Services

ES-4305, TANF Sample Cases Review Guide

ES-4417, DV/SA Referral Form for Employment Services


All policies in this revision are effective July 1, 2024.

Effect on Local Staff

TANF Suspicion Based Drug Testing Program - DCF has obtained a new procedure for Suspicion Based Drug Testing retest requests reflecting new pricing and process. Per the current contract with Comprehensive Drug Testing (CDT), retest requests are $125.00 per test. Clients will be able to submit and pay for the retest request via the DCFPayments Portal effective June 1, 2024. The SBDT referral process will not change. The DCF and SRCC Roadmaps have been updated to reflect the new process.


The material in this letter and manual revision has been coordinated with staff in Economic and Employment Services, Executive leadership, the EES Program Administrators, and the Implementation Planning Team.

Carla Whiteside-Hicks, PhD
Economic and Employment Services Director

Page Last Updated: June 13, 2024 2:33 PM