Add/Update Administrative Role - Medical

If the Medical Representative, Facilitator, Guardian/Conservator/Legal Custodian, or Representative Payee for Social Security Administrative Role is not associated with the case or is not the Primary Applicant, this individual needs to be retrieved from the Resource Databank. See Using the Resource Databank for adding or changing the Administrative Role.

Repeat these steps if an additional Administrative Role, such as Additional Correspondence Recipient, is needed.

From the Case Summary page:

  1. Click the View Details button in the desired Medical Program block. The Medical Program Detail page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button to make corrections.

  3. Click the Edit button in the Administrative Roles block, to update an existing Administrative Role. To add a new Administrative Role, select the Add button. The Administrative Role Detail page displays.

  4. Select the appropriate Administrative Role using the Administrative Role drop-down menu .

  5. Select the name of the case person who has the selected role from the Name drop-down menu .

  6. Add the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon for the Administrative Role.

  7. Click the Save and Return button. The Medical Program Detail page displays.

  8. If processing for a prior Medical month, use the 1st day of the 1st prior Medical month as the Begin Date.

    NOTE: The Primary Applicant is typically going to be the same as the Case Head. The main exception is when Long Term Care (LTC) has been requested and the person requesting LTC is not the same as the Case Head. In this instance, (unless the LTC applicant is a minor) the person requesting LTC should be selected as the Primary Applicant/Recipient for this Medical program block.