Searching the Resource Databank


  1. Click Resource Databank from the Global Navigation Bar. The Resource Search page displays.

  2. Select Provider from the Category drop-down menu.

  3. Select Active from the Status drop-down menu.

  4. Fill out all required fields and known information to limit search results.

  5. Click the Search button.  A list of providers fitting the users search criteria is displayed.  


NOTE: If the search results are not satisfactory, click Refine Your Search and enter additional or different search criteria. If the provider does not exist in the Resource Databank, reference the steps for Requesting an Addition or Change to the Resource Databank.


NOTE: The search results can be sorted using the ‘carets’ below each listed column.  Only one column can be sorted at a time. Additional columns of information can be obtained by clicking the View Detailed Results button on the Resource Search page.  The Resource Search Detailed Results page will display information about the provider such as: service category, status, additional information and phone number.


NOTE: When a Resource ID is located within the RDB, check the Service type to ensure they are not indicated as a SMART Vendor. Medical Staff do not use resources listed as SMART Vendors as the Service Type. These records are only for DCF PPS cases.  If an appropriate Resource ID is found, note the Resource ID number located in the Resource Databank as it is used to add the admin role to ensure the correct record is used. See Administrative Role.


  1. Click on the Hyperlink for the correct provider. The Resource Detail page displays.