Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Open the financial data pages by clicking on the + beside Financial from Task Navigation. Select Resource from Task Navigation. The Resource List page displays.
1. Select Medical from the Program Type drop-down menu.
2. Select the appropriate category from the Resource Category drop-down menu.
a. Liquid
b. Motor Vehicle -- See WA661 when more than one vehicle is a countable resource.
c. Real Property
d. Transferred Property/Income (this is not currently available)
3. Click the Add button. This will display the Resources Detail Page for the selected resource.
1. Select the owner’s name from the Name drop-down menu.
If there are more than two owners, use the Add button.
2. Type the percentage of ownership in the ownership field.
NOTE: For Liquid Resources each owner owns 100% of the resource. For Real Property an owner can own a percentage of the resource. The total ownership of a Real Property cannot exceed 100%.
3. In the Begin Date field, enter the first day of the first month the resource is counted for eligibility, using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
NOTE: If processing a new application, the Begin Date should be the first date of the application month or the first day of the first Prior Medical month, if prior medical was requested.
For information on adding specific resources see the Adding Liquid Resource, Adding Motor Vehicle Resource, and Adding Real Property Resource sections.