Eligibility Non-Compliance


Eligibility Non-Compliance Table

Updating or Ending a Non-Compliance Record


Non-Compliance is most frequently a failure to provide, failure to cooperate, or a penalty record. This record is used by EDBC to deny or discontinue a consumer or a program.  Rules use the non-compliance record when determining eligibility.


NOTE: If using the Eligibility Non-Compliance Detail page to indicate failure to provide, you must update the Verified field from Pending to Refused* for any requested information not returned.


Eligibility Non-Compliance

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Non-Compliance from Task Navigation. The Eligibility Non-Compliance List page displays.

  2. Click the Add button. The Eligibility Non-Compliance Detail page displays.

  3. Select the consumer from the Name drop-down menu.

  4. Select the Type of Non-Compliance from the drop-down menu. After the type is selected a Reason drop-down displays.

  5. Select the appropriate Reason related to the type of non-compliance.

  6. Enter the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.  The begin date is the first day of the month the non-compliance needs to start.

  7. Click the Save and Add Another button to add additional records. Otherwise, click the Save and Return button.


* Please follow the verification status below based on the situation. *



NOTE: If consumer has current coverage on the case an Override End Date will need to be added to the non-compliance record using <mm/dd/yyyy> format so their current coverage is not affected.



Eligibility Non-Compliance Table

Non-Compliance Type


Who is Closed

Failure To Cooperate

Medical Subrogation

Person Only

Child Support Non-Cooperation

Person Only

Failure to Provide

Information Needed for Medical Eligibility

Person Only

Name and/or Identity

Person Only

Non-Citizenship Documents

Person Only

Proof of Income

Everyone on Program

Proof of Trust

Everyone on Program


Person Only

Social Security Number

Person Only