Income from Earnings - Family Medical

Use the Average Calculator to prospectively budget income from earnings.

NOTE: All earned income needs to be entered into the Average Calculator to ensure correct calculations for actual amounts and prospective budgeting. The Average Calculator must have $0.00 for paychecks with no income; otherwise KEES tries to calculate an average for the missing check.

See the steps under Adding Income for help navigating to the Income Detail page.

From the Income Detail page

  1. Select the frequency the income is received from the Frequency drop-down menu.

  2. Click the Select button under Name of Business to access the Employer Information.

  3. Select the Employer by clicking the appropriate radio button.

  4. Click the Select button.

    NOTE: If no employer is entered on the Employment List/Detail page the user needs to click the Add button to complete the Employment Detail page. On the Employment Detail page only enter the information in the required fields. Enter the Consumer Name, the Category of employment, the Employer name (use the text box not the Select button), and the Verified value. Do not complete any other information on this page for medical programs. Clicking Save and Return on the Employment Detail navigates the user to the Income Detail page.

  5.  Select Family Medical from the Display Programs drop-down menu below the Income Amounts block.

  6. Click the Add button, which displays once a Display Programs value has been selected.

  7. If using:

  8. Select No, if any paychecks are not representative, in the Count in Average drop-down menu. This field is defaulted to Yes.

  9. Click the Add button in the Average Calculator to add additional paycheck information and complete STEP 6 - STEP 7 again.

  10. Click the Calculate button when all information has been entered.

  11. Click the Use button.

  12. Set the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon to the first date of application month or the first day of the first medical month for prior medical requests.

  13. Verify the information by selecting a value from the Verified drop-down menu.

  14. Select the source for the verification from the Source drop-down menu.

  15. Click the Save and Add Another button to add additional records. Otherwise, click the Save and Return button.