Adding Income - Family Medical


  1. In the context of the case, select Eligibility in the Global Navigation Bar. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Open the financial data pages by clicking on the + beside Financial from Task Navigation. Select Income from Task Navigation.

  2. On the Income List page, select the Program Type of Medical from the drop-down menu.  

  3. Select the appropriate Income Category from the drop-down menu. See KEES Medical Income Values for more information.

  4. Click the Add button to navigate to the Income Detail page.

  5. On the Income Detail page select the consumer receiving the income using the Name drop-down menu.

Select the appropriate Income Type using the Type drop-down menu.  See KEES Medical Income Values for more information. Follow the appropriate subsections below depending on the type of income selected:


Note: Add all Income reported on the application with the appropriate Verified status (Pending, Verified, Not Applicable or Refused).