Income from Spousal Support


Income List Page:

  1. Select Medical from the Program Type drop-down menu.
  2. Select Child/Spousal Support from the Income Category drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Add button to navigate to the Income Detail page.


Income Detail Page:

  1. Select the consumer receiving the spousal support from the Name drop-down menu.
  2. Select Spousal Support from the Type drop-down menu.
  3. Select the Frequency the income is received from the Frequency drop-down menu.

NOTE: If Spousal Support is received sporadically, the user may need to determine a monthly average off system, then use Once a Month as the Frequency and the Monthly Average in the Reported Amount.  If a monthly amount is determined off system, the user should always keep a Journal record of how the support amount was determined.

  1. Enter the First and Last Name of the person paying the support in the Person Paying Name text box.
  2. Select Family Medical from the Display Programs drop-down menu under the Income Amounts field.


·         For MIPPA applications, select MIPPA from the Display Programs drop-down menu.

·         For PMG/Potential PMG cases, select Elderly & Disabled from the Display Programs drop-down menu.

·         For a case that has both MAGI and LTC/WH program blocks, you must have 2 Income records, one with Family Medical Display Program and one with an Elderly & Disabled Display Program.

·         If Income is being allocated (LTC), select Elderly & Disabled from the Display Programs drop-down menu

  1. Click the Add button.  The Income Amount Detail page displays.




Income Amount Detail Page

Use the Average Calculator to prospectively budget income from spousal support.


  1. Enter the Date Received using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon for the Spousal Support amounts in the Average Calculator.
  2. Enter the Spousal Support amount received in the Average Calculator Amount field.
  1. For the Count in Average column, if any amounts are not representative and should not be included in the calculation select No from the drop-down menu, otherwise leave the value defaulted to Yes.

12. Click the Add button to create an additional support value in the Average Calculator to record multiple support amounts.

  1. When all payment/check amounts are entered, select the number of months Spousal Support was received from the Divisor drop-down menu.
  2. Click the Calculate button.
  3. Select the Use button to import the information to the Reported Amount field to ensure that all income requirements are calculated correctly for all programs.

NOTE: The Reported Amount field is what EDBC uses in the income determination.

  1. Set the Begin Date to either the first day of application month for a new application, the first day of the first prior Medical month for prior Medical, or the date of the first paycheck for a change to an ongoing program.
  2. Select the Verification for the Verified drop-down menu.
  3. Select the Source of the verification.
  4. Click the Save and Return button to navigate to the Income Detail page.