Individual Demographics


To add or update information such as name, social security number, marital status, phone number, etc. for a case person(s):

NOTE: The Edit button will always be used on the Individual Demographics page as the user is confirming information is correct as well as possibly entering new information.


To add or update:

  1. Select Eligibility for Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Individual Demographics from Task Navigation.  The Individual Demographics List page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button for the case person the user is adding additional information on. The specific Individual Demographic Detail page for that case person displays.

  3. Confirm the First Name.

  4. Confirm the Last Name.

    NOTE: Name changes are to be documented in two places on the Individual Demographics Detail Page. Change the name in the Name section, and then add the previous name in the Previous Name section. This ensures KEES will maintain all names associated with the consumer.

    NOTE: Changing the Case Head’s name on the Individual Demographic Detail page will only change it on the data collection pages not in the banner that displays at the top of KEES pages. If a Case Head’s last name changes on an active case, a new case does not need to be created as long as the name is correct on the Individual Demographic Detail page.

  5. Confirm the Social Security Number.

  6. Select a status from the drop-down menu in the SSN Status field.

    1. HUB-SSA and SSA-SVES are populated through interfaces; they are considered Verified.

    2. SSN Provided is the default SSN Status; it is considered Not Verified.

    3. Good Cause: This is to be used when a worker has established Good Cause based on MKEESM 2133 and KFMAM 2033. This could also be used as part of an official workaround provided by KEES.

  7. Select a Marital Status from the drop-down menu.

  8. Select a Gender from the drop-down menu.

  9. Enter the birthdate in the Date of Birth text box using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  10. Select a status from the drop-down menu in the Verified field.

  11. Select Yes or No from the Is this individual a Veteran? drop-down menu.

  12. Select Yes or No from the Spouse of a Veteran? drop-down menu.

  13. Select the check box(es) for the applicable Race/Ethnic Origin.

  14. Select Yes or No from the Is this person Hispanic, Latino/a or Spanish Origin? drop-down menu.

  15. Add Tribal information if applicable.

  16. Deceased Date is entered by a user or populated by a Batch Interface.  Once a date has been entered, the Verified drop-down menu displays.   

NOTE: To end a deceased consumer's medical coverage, see Discontinuing Benefits Due to Death.

NOTE: See Troubleshooting Non-Financial Data Collection if the wrong Deceased Date was entered or if a Deceased Date was applied to the wrong person in KEES.

NOTE: See for Individual Demographics - Discontinued or Not Active for Discontinued/Not Active (Inactive) individual in KEES.

  1. Enter the Emancipation Date, if applicable, using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  2. Select the Spoken, Written Language and Language of Correspondence fields Language type from the drop-down menus.

  1. Enter Other Communication Needs if applicable.

  2. Select Yes or No for Is it OK to call this Individual at Work.

  3. Enter the consumer’s Phone Numbers and select the Phone Number Type from the drop-down menu.  Click the Add button to enter additional phone numbers.

  4. Use the Previous Names block to enter an Alias(s) and Maiden Name(s). Click the Add button to enter more than one additional name.

  5. Use the Previous Social Security Numbers block is to only be used to record past Social Security Numbers issued by Social Security as per KEESM 2130. Example: adoption cases.

    NOTE:  If a consumer is using a Social Security Number that does not belong to them, add a Case Flag and create a Journal Entry.

  6. Indicate the consumer is a dangerous person by selecting Yes from the Dangerous Person Indicator.

  1. Enter the consumer’s initial MCO Choice.

NOTE: Once the initial MCO assignment has been sent to MMIS, the consumer must contact the Enrollment Center at 866-305-5147 to change their MCO.

  1. Click the Save and Return button.

  1. Repeat the process for any additional applicants.