

An E&D worker determines if a PMDD referral is needed.  If a referral is needed the program will remain in pending status until the PMDD decision is received. See the Medical Pending Worker ID List  and Transfer a Program Block or Case.

NOTE: The process for PMDD is outside of KEES and is not changing.

PMDD Decisions for Tier 1 Medicaid Only:

PMDD Tier 1 Medicaid is not entered on the Other Program Assistance Detail page.

The system generated Tier 1 MediKan approval notice is not correct.  Please delete the notice and send the Approval Form for MediKan.

PMDD Decisions for Tier 2 MediKan:

If consumer qualifies for MediKan based on the W-14 MediKan Worksheet criteria, within the context of the case, create an Other Program Assistance record.

      1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation.  Select Other Prog. Assist. from Task Navigation.

      2. Click the Add button. The Other Program Assistance Detail page displays.

      3. Select the consumer from the Name drop-down menu.

      4. Select MediKan from the Type of Assistance drop-down menu.

      5. Select KS from the State drop-down menu.

      6. Enter the Begin Date of the day program coverage begins using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

      7. Select a Verification Value from the Medical Verified drop-down menu.

      8. Click the Save and Return button.

      NOTE: Do not select a County, Aid Code, or Review Due Date. These fields are obsolete—and are not needed in KEES. Only the fields listed in the steps above require information to be entered.

      See Medical Condition for more information on MediKan data collection requirements.