Medical KDOL Wages and UC Interface


Real Time Interface History Details

KDOL Wages Interface List & KDOL Wages Interface Detail

KDOL UC Interface List & KDOL Wages Interface Detail

KDOL UC Interface Non-Monetary Denial Reasons


As of July 2019, Kansas Department of Labor (KDOL) Wages and Unemployment Interface will be accessible thru a Real Time Interface in KEES.

To Request the KDOL Real Time Interface in the context of a case:

  1. On the Verifications List page select the checkbox next to the pending Income record.

NOTE: KEES allows you to multi-select multiple records.  

  1. Click on the Request Verification button.  
  2. The Real Time Interface History List displays.  Click the Call ID hyperlink that coincides with the correct Worker, Date and Time record.    
  3. The Real Time Interface History Detail Displays.  The Real Time Interface Request List verifies the Request Status.  The Search Results Summary displays if a response was received.

NOTE: The Search Results Response Success means a Wage record was found within the past  3 years and a ‘UC’ Unemployment record was found within the past year.      


The Kansas Department of Labor (KDOL) interface does not populate any data collection or verify a pending income record.

A historic record of calls to the Kansas Department of Labor (KDOL) interface is kept on the Real Time Interface History for the past 3 years.  KDOL Unemployment will be retained for 1 year.  KDOL Wages the past 5 quarters.


Real Time Interface History Details

Real Time Interface Request List

Request Status


Success Request sent to KDOL

Request sent to KDOL.

Hub request not sent due to BPM Exception

Request not sent to KDOL.

This is part of Non Federal Verification List. Hub Request not sent. (Medical Only)

Request not sent to KDOL.

Hub request not sent due to missing fields

Missing person identification information.


Search Results Summary



Success: Activity found on KDOL Wage File

Data found for the person in the latest 5 quarters (including call quarter).

Not found: No findings on KDOL Wage file

No data found at all for the person.

Error: Request Failed

Unable to contact KDOL due to system error.

NOTE: This is the only Response that will display an Error Message.

Success: Activity found on Unemployment

Data found for the person in the latest 52 weeks (including call week).

Not found: No unemployment found

No data found at all for the person.

No Recent Activity Found on KDOL UC File

Data found for the person but not in the latest 52 weeks (including call week).

No Recent Activity Found on KDOL Wages File

Data found for the person but not in the latest 5 quarters (including call quarter).


KDOL Wages Interface List & KDOL Wages Interface Detail

KDOL Wages Interface List


Hyperlink to KDOL Wages Interface Detail which provides the Employer mailing address. The last 5 quarters (including the current quarter) are displayed.


Name of the person with KDOL Wage findings.

Employer Name

Name of Employer.


Gross amount of income received in the quarter from employer.

Call Date

The date the KDOL interface was called queried.

KDOL Wages Interface Detail

Person Name & SSN

Name and SSN of the person with KDOL wages.


Quarter the wages are from.


Gross amount of wages for that quarter.

Employer Information

Employer name and the address of the employer.


Employer specific identifying number.  

NOTE: In legacy the Serial number was used to look up a specific address for employer.  No longer important because the KDOL Wages Interface Detail displays the address.  


State of Kansas Department of Labor Legacy and KEES


KDOL UC Interface List & KDOL Wages Interface Detail

KDOL UC Interface List


Hyperlink to KDOL UC Interface Detail which provides in depth information regarding any deductions from the weekly benefit amount.


Name of the person who filed for unemployment.

Benefit Year Effective Date

The date unemployment claim was determined.

Weekly Benefit Amount

The weekly amount prior to any deductions.

Remaining Balance

The available amount that can be claimed in future weeks.

Call Date

The date the KDOL UC interface was queried.

KDOL UC Interface Detail

Person Name

Claimant Name


Claimant SSN


Claimant DOB

Benefit Year Effective

First day of the month claim started.


Effective week of claim.

Benefit Year End Date

12 months from the Benefit Year Effective date.

Issue Date

Date claim was paid out.


Displays Program codes REG EUC TRA TAA DUA. If data was provided but not related to any Program code it will display ‘Not Available’.  If no data was provided ‘Data Not Provided’ will display.


Display the status Type of payment.

Example: 1st PAY NO EARNINGS  If data was provided but not related to any Type it will display ‘Not Available’.  If no data was provided ‘Data Not Provided’ will display.

Weekly Benefit Amount

Weekly benefit amount prior to deductions.

Earnings Reduced

Amount deducted due to actual earnings.

Federal Withholding

10% withholding for federal income tax.

State Withholding

3.5% withholding for state income tax.

Child Support

Child Support being withheld.

Overpayment Offset

Monetary amount being held for any overpayments.

Net Amount

Actual benefit amount after deductions.

Remaining Balance

The monetary amount available for payment.  Display $0.00 if no remaining balance.

Denial Reason

See KDOL UC Interface Non-Monetary Denial Reasons


KDOL UC Interface Non-Monetary Denial Reasons



Discharged for working while impaired


Discharged for misconduct


Severance is equal or exceeds weekly UI benefit


Reduction in Benefits - military pension


Failed to provide ID verification documentation


Failed to report employment and/or correct earnings


Failed to report employment


Unavailable for work


Educational services


Not a U.S. Citizen insufficient documentation


Not a U.S. Citizen expired work permit


Not able to work temp


Care giver temp


Attending school or training inquiry temp


Lack personal transport inquiry temp


Leave of absence temp


Self-employment inquiry temp


Not available (corporate) inquiry temp


Working full time inquiry temp


Failure to report to WFC inquiry temp


Ready and willing inquiry temp


Physically able inquiry temp


Failure to look for work inquiry temp


Availability inquiry temp


SSN verification temp


No RESEA participation temp


Day of separation inquiry temp


Last employer info inquiry temp


Work comp issue inquiry temp


Left work inquiry temp


Misconduct inquiry temp


Denied pending reemployment temp


Refusal of work inquiry tem


Vacation, holiday, severance pay inquiry temp


Bonus pay inquiry temp


Potential WARN temp


Potential labor dispute temp


Ends old denial


Pension issue temp


Potential fraud issue temp


Education issue temp


Residency status temp

21108 21114 21127 21130 21136 21140 21143 21149 21165 21166 21181 21182 21183 21185 22002 22006 22006 22019 22039 22040 22041 22042 22046 22051 22053 22054 22058 22060 22074 22090 22092 22093 22094 22098 23101 23102 23103 23106 23107 23109 23113 23115 23120 23121 23124 23127 23128 23129 23131 23132 23135 23138 23150 23156 23160 23191 23192 23201 23202 23203 23205 23207 23209 23211 23218 23218 23260 23292 23298 23304 23501 23501 23504 23705

Time based denial period

41101 41105 41127 41140 41166 41201 42006 42041 42042 42043 42092 43705 43705 63101 63504 81100 81101 81105 81114 82006 82058 82092 83100 83101 83103 83106 83109 83111 83115 83118 83120 83127 83131 83132 83138 83200 83201 83202 83203 83205 83209 83218 83227 83304 83500 83504 83506 83700 83705 87131 88601

Denial in an Appeal Stage

91199 92199 93399 93799

Temp denial waiting on return of paperwork