Individual Budget Units (IBU) are based on the individual’s tax household. However, because the individual is under age 19, the Non-Filer Rules should be used. If the tax record is entered for the minor child KEES will use the tax record when determining the minor child’s IBU. The following steps need to be completed for KEES to make a correct determination for the child using Non-Filer Rules.
Example: Kyle is a teenager with a part-time job. He files taxes. He lives with his mother Jackie who does not file taxes. There is no one else that claims Kyle as a tax dependent.
NOTE: Step 1 assumes all data collection pages have been completed.
Navigate to the Tax link from Task Navigation. The Tax List page displays.
Select the tax record to be removed for the minor child and click the Remove button.
Create a Journal entry documenting the child does file taxes, but the record was removed as the child is under 19 and Non-Filer rules apply.