Non-Financial Pages


Case Summary

Consumers with a penalty in KAECSES convert over as FRIs. Consumers coded OU in KAECSES converted as UP (Unaided Person) in KEES.  KEES rules will not allow the consumer to be a MEM until the penalty has ended.

Contact Summary

All addresses require a County Code.  If a consumer's address does not have an associated County Code their eligibility record is rejected by the MMIS.  County Code must be on the case file for MMIS to process the record.

Additionally, the correct County Code is important in the MMIS because the Managed Care Capitation rate is tied to the county where the consumer lives.

Individual Demographics

Users do not need to go to the detail page if the consumer had Active medical coverage at conversion.

If a consumer converted without Active medical coverage the record may need "re-verified".

  1. Select the Edit button.  The Individual Demographic Detail page displays.

  2. Verify the information is correct/complete.

  3. Click the Save and Return button.  The act of saving the page "verifies" the record.  It is not necessary to make changes tot he page unless the consumer reports a change in Individual Demographics.


Consumers with Pending Citizenship and Identity values converted as Reasonable Opportunity - Medical.

If the consumer has either of these values on the Citizenship/Identity List page the user does not need to go to the detail page:

Household Status

Individuals that are MEM or FRI on an active case are converted as In the Home.

Community Spouses converted as Permanently Out of the Home.  The Community Spouse must have a Household Status of In the Home to receive an income allocation.

This also applies to cases in which the FRI is not legally responsible for a child.  Caretaker relatives who aren't legally responsible for a child needs to have their Household Status changed to In the Home.


Most relationships converted to KEES.  If the relationship couldn't be converted, then it was left blank.  Staff needs to research and enter the correct Relationship Codes into KEES if any are missing.

FYI - (34393) Due to a conversion issue some Spouse relationships converted as Unrelated.  If the consumer’s spouse is listed as Unrelated the user should Add the Relationship of the Spouse with a Begin Date reflective of when the relationship needs considered for eligibility purposes.

At Conversion, if a Spouse relationship does not exist, or if a Spouse is marked Unrelated, the user can select the View button on the Relationship List page to view all historical relationships.  Many times the Spouse Relationship is in the history and is End Dated.  The user can select the Edit button and remove the End Date to create the Relationship, or use the historical dates when updating the Unrelated relationship.


Consumers that are Eligible Aliens converted as Tribal Affidavit Canadian Born American Indian.

On the Non-Citizenship Detail page, the converted data displays a Country of Unknown, an Initial SAVE Status of Lawful Permanent Resident, and a Begin Date of the conversion date.  The Non-Citizenship Status List page will display:  LPR - Jay Treaty Indian.

Consumers that are Ineligible Aliens converted as Undocumented.


Unborns in KAECSES are converted to KEES as a Pregnancy record.  When accessing a case for a pregnant woman (marked with a (pg)) on the Case Summary page, the user should check the Pregnancy record accessed under Customer Information to confirm the Number of Children, Date Reported, Due Date, and Delivery/Termination Date (if applicable) are correct.


If the consumer does not have a Residency record, they are assumed to be residents of Kansas.

Other Program Assistance

Some Medical information was converted to the Other Program Assistance page.  This includes:  Foster Care, Early Detection Works (BCC), TB, MediKan, MediKan Reintegration, and WORK.


No information was converted for employment,  For consumers with Wages/Earnings, an Employer record needs to be added especially when there are multiple earnings.  This information will display on the passive and pre-populated reviews forms.

LTC Data

If any case person has an LTC Data Detail (consumer receives HCBS, PACE,  or Institutional Care benefits such as skilled nursing or PRTF), that record needs to be completed prior to the user being able to run EDBC for any program on the case.  If an LTC Data Detail is left incomplete, the user will receive and error at EDBC.

The only information converted to this page is the information available from the LOC window in MMIS.  This includes the type of LTC, and the Effective Date/Admission Date for the LTC services.  If the user attempts to Run EDBC with only those two pieces of data, the EDBC fails.

Remember to update all applicable values on the LTC Data Detail when completing case cleanup activities.

NOTE:  Refer to LTC:  Post Conversion Cleanup Table for further details.

Non-Custodial Parents

Non-Custodial Parent information was converted.  The user should review the record for accuracy, but no action needs to be taken on this page unless the consumer reports a change.

Medical Condition

A consumer's Medical Condition in KEES converted from the person's Aid Code in the MMIS.  The Medical Record does not need touched unless a change is reported.

If the consumer did not have Active medical coverage in the MMIS at the time of conversion, no Medical Condition is created.