Adding a Child Care Need for a Child(ren) in order to Request an Enhanced Rate of Care

A Child Care Need Child record should only be added after the 1627a:  Request for Enhanced Rate for Special Care form has been returned completed and the Program Administrator has given preliminary approval.  

NOTE: The exception to this rule is when processing a Review for a Child Care program in which Enhanced Rate was previously approved, see Request for Enhanced Rate at Child Care Review for detailed information.

For detailed steps regarding the business process, see Child Care (CC) Enhanced Rate for Special Care Process.

To add a Child Care Need for a Child to Request an Enhanced Rate of Care

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Click the + beside Child Care from Task Navigation to open the Child Care data collection pages.  Select Child Care Need Child from Task Navigation.  The Child Care Needs List – Child page displays. 

  2. Click the Add button.  The Child Care Need Detail – Child page displays. 

  3. Select the child’s name from the Name drop-down menu. 

  4. Select Enhanced Rate from the Need drop-down menu. 

  5. Enter the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy format or the calendar icon.  The begin date is the day the enhanced rate was requested by the consumer. 

  6. Enter End Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy format or the calendar icon. 

  7. Click the Save and Return button. The Child Care Needs List – Child page displays.

    NOTE:  For detailed steps on completing an Enhanced Rate Request at Application, on an Active Program, or Review see Child Care (CC) Enhanced Rate for Special Care.