Adding a Pending Relative Child Care Provider Resource

The Child Care Provider Enrollment Staff is responsible for processing Relative Child Care Provider Requests. For information on making a request, see Adding Relative and In-Home Child Care Providers to the Resource Databank (RDB).

To Add a Pending Relative Child Care Provider Resource

  1. Select Resource Databank from Global Navigation. The Resource Search page displays.

  2. Enter basic search criteria.

  1. Click the Search button. Confirm the provider does not display on the Resource Search page. If the provider already exists, see Editing KDHE Licensed & Child Care Center Resource.

NOTE:  It is important to complete a thorough search to avoid creating duplicate resources.

  1. Click the Add Resource button. The Resource Detail page displays.

  2. In the Basic Information section, complete the mandatory fields.

NOTE: Enter Relative Child Care Providers First Name Last Name. Enter the middle initial if known without a period. (i.e. John A Smith or John Smith) Hyphens (–) or Apostrophes (‘) may be included if part of the provider’s name.

  1. In the Language Information section, select a Language from the drop-down menu.  Click the Add button.

  2. In the Category section, click the check box associated with Provider.

  3. In the Provider Type section, select the radio button for Child Care Provider.

  4. In the Address section, click the Add Address button. The Address Detail page displays.

  5. Multi-select Mailing and Physical from the Address Type(s) menu if they are the same address for the Provider. If they are different, select them individually and complete STEP 9 – STEP 13 for each type.

  6. Complete the mandatory fields for the address. Click the Submit button. The Select Address page displays.

  7. Click the radio button for the Normalized Address if not already selected.

  8. Click the Select button. The Resource Detail page displays.

  9. In the Phone Information section, complete the known information. The Add button does NOT need to be clicked for the first line of information.

  10. In the Maintainer Information section:

  1. Click the Select button under Worker ID. The Select Worker page displays.

  1. Click the Save button. The Resource Detail page displays.