Editing KDHE Licensed and Child Care Centers

Updates to the provider’s license, address, and phone number are communicated via task through the CLARIS Interface.

Editing KDHE Licensed and Child Care Center Resources

  1. Select Resource Databank from Global Navigation. The Resource Search page displays.

  2. Enter basic search criteria.

  1. Click the Search button. The Search Results display.

  2. Click the Edit button for the provider. The Resource Detail page displays.

  3. In the Basic Information section, make any needed updates.

  4. In the Language Information section, make any needed updates. If the provider should be linked to a Headquarter:

  1. In the Tax Information section, make any needed updates.

  2. In the Internet Information section, make any needed updates.

  3. In the Child Care Information section, make any needed updates.

  4. In the Maintainer Information section, make any needed updates.

  5. To change the worker ID, click the Select button under Worker ID. The Select Worker page displays.

  1. Click the Save button. The Resource Detail page displays.

Editing KDHE Licensed and Child Care Center Services

The Service Detail page is where the provider type, hours of operation, and provider approval dates are captured.

To Edit KDHE Licensed and Child Care Center Services

  1. Within the context of the child care provider Resource Detail, select Services from Task Navigation. The Service List page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button for the Service. The Service Detail page displays.

  3. Update the Hours of Operation for the Licensed Home or Child Care Center, including the days of the week.

  4. Select the appropriate value from the 3 Hour Minimum drop-down menu.

  5. Update the Contact Person Name, if applicable.

  6. To update the Worker ID, click the Select button under Worker ID. The Select Worker page displays.

  7. To update the schedule in the Service Schedule List section:

  8. In the Licensed Child Care Information section, make any needed updates.

  9. Click the Save button. The Service Detail page displays in view only mode.