Child Care (CC) Post-Secondary Education Time Limits

The Time Limit Summary page allows workers to view and/or add details on Child Care time limits for post-secondary education.


Manually Adding Child Care Months

Editing Child Care Months

Child Care (CC) Post-Secondary Education Process


Manually Adding Child Care Months

NOTE:  KEES records any child care months with a parent need reason of Post-Secondary Education on the Time Limit Summary page through a monthly batch process.  Post-Secondary Education child care benefits that were received prior to KEES do not display on the Time Limit Summary page, unless they are manually added.


To Manually Add Child Care Months

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Time Limits from Task Navigation. The Time Limit Summary page displays.

  2. Select the parent with the post-secondary education child care need from the Name drop-down menu.

    NOTE:  If the Name drop-down menu does not display, create a Post-Secondary Education Need Reason for at least one of the months during the Post-Secondary Education months. See Adding a Child Care Need for a Parent/Caretaker for additional guidance.

  3. Click the Add button.  The Child Care Time Limit Month List page displays.

    NOTE:  If a Time Limit Record already exists for the parent, see Editing Child Care Months.

  4. Click the Add button.  The Child Care Time Limit Month Detail page displays.

  5. Enter the Begin Month using the <mm/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.  This should be the first month the parent received benefits for the Post-Secondary Education Need.

  6. Enter the End Month using the <mm/yyyy> format or the calendar icon. This should be the last month the parent received benefits for the Post-Secondary Education Need.

    NOTE:  The user can add multiple consecutive months at one time.  A record is created for each month within the time span.

  7. Verify the Add Reason defaults to Manual.

  8. Enter the Case Number on which the parent received the child care benefits.

  9. Click the Save button.


Editing Child Care Months

In certain situations it may be necessary to exempt a child care month from the time limit total.

To provide an exception for a child care month previously counted

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Time Limits from Task Navigation. The Time Limit Summary page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button for the parent whose months need updated.  The Child Care Time Limit Month List page displays.

  3. Click the Edit button for the month that requires an exception.  The Child Care Time Limit Month Detail page displays.

  4. Select the Type and Reason from the drop-down menus under the Exceptions header.

    1. Repay is used to provide an exception when the consumer is responsible to repay the entire month’s child care benefit.  CC Repayment (entire month) is the only Reason available when Repay is selected from the Type drop-down menu.

    2. Other is used to provide an exception in instances when the month was added in error or if policy determines the consumer has met exception criteria allowing them to exceed the lifetime post-secondary education need time limit.

  5. Click the Save button.  The Child Care Time Limit Month List page displays.  The month with the exception displays as Exempt.


Child Care (CC) Post-Secondary Education Process

This business process flow shows the high level steps utilized to process a Child Care Plan for Post-Secondary Education.


Business Process Diagram


Business Process Steps

Red, Blue or Purple Team:











Once the time limit has been reached, the following steps apply




Identified Changes

Key Process Considerations