Entering Hours of Participation by Average Hours Per Week


  1. Select Services from Global Navigation. Select Activities from Local Navigation. The Customer Activities List page displays.

  2. Click the View Progress button. The Activity Progress Detail page displays.

  3. Click the Edit button. The Activity Progress Detail page displays in edit mode.

  4. In the Activity Progress History section, enter the Month using the <mm/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  5. Enter the reported participation hours in the Average Hours Per Week field.

NOTE: Do not use the Average Hours Per Week field if entering absent hour information. See Entering Hours of Participation by Days of Week with or without Excused Absences.

  1. Click on an empty space on the page.

NOTE: The system automatically distributes an average hour for the days the consumer was scheduled to participate. KEES divides the average weekly hours by the number of specified activity days for the week. Due to this rounding logic, the distributed hours may not match what is entered in the Average Hours Per Week field. However, the TANF Report will use what is entered in the Average Hours Per Week field.

  1. Review the weekly attendance fields for accuracy.

  2. Click the Save and Return button.  The Activity Progress Detail page displays.

  3. Click the Close button.  The Customer Activities List page displays.