Establish an Administrative Role - PPS

An Administrative Role of Placement Provider or PPS Payee needs to be added to all PPS Program Blocks except Foster Care.

To Add an Administrative Role:

  1. Access the case through Person Search - PPS or enter the Case Number in the quick search field from Task Navigation and click Go. The Case Summary page displays.

  2. Click the View Details button in the ‘specific’ program block.  The Program Detail page displays.

  3. Click the Edit button. The Program Specific Detail page displays in editable mode.

Example: Medical, Adoption Assistance, Permanent Custodianship Subsidy, etc.

  1. Click the Add button in the Administrative Roles section. The Administrative Role Detail page displays.

  2. Select the Administrative Role from the drop-down menu. The Resource button displays.

NOTE:  Users connect the Placement Provider or PPS Payee to the case by searching the Resource Databank (RDB). See Searching the Foster Care Resource Databank.

  1. Click the Select button under Resource.  The Select Resource page displays.

  2. Select from the Category drop-down menu:

NOTE: Licensed Foster Homes are entered in the Foster Care section of the RDB from an interface with CLARIS. These entries are to be selected. PPS Payees are entered in the general section of the RDB from an interface with the SMART system. Users continue to enter placements that are not included in CLARIS or SMART.

  1. Enter resource name in the Name field. (User may also search by address, vendor ID, etc.)

NOTE: A misspelled name may incorrectly limit results.

  1. Click the Search button. The Select Resource page displays with results.

NOTE: If the resource is not found on the first search, try entering a portion of the resource Name. If the resource is still not found or needs to be updated, see Requesting an Addition or Change to the Resource Databank.

  1. Click the radio button for the resource name to add to the case then click the Select button. The page displays with selected resource.

  2. Enter the first date of placement in the Begin Date field using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.

  3. Click the Save and Return button. The Program Detail page displays.

  4. Click the Save and Return button.  The Case Summary page displays.

  5. Repeat the process for each program block, if applicable.