Foster Care to AWOL (Absent With Out Leave)

When a youth goes AWOL, it is important to discontinue the Medical coverage if the youth’s absence is greater than 30 days.  If the 30th day of the AWOL is between the 1st and the 15th of the month, close the case at the end of the current month.  If the 30th day of the AWOL falls between the 16th and the 30th of the month you will need to close the case to end the following month (come-up month).  

To Discontinue the Medical Coverage

  1. Access the case through Person Search or enter the Case Number in the quick search field from Task Navigation and click Go.  The Case Summary page displays.

  2. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation and Customer Information from Local Navigation. The Contact Summary page displays.

  3. Click the + next to Foster Care from Task Navigation to expand the Foster Care data collection pages.

  4. Select Child Placement from Task Navigation. The Child Placement List page displays.

  5. Click the Add button. The Child Placement Detail page displays.

  6. Click the Search button associated with the Placement Resource. The Select Foster Care Resource page displays.

  7. Enter the AWOL in the Name field. Click the Search button. The Resource Search page redisplays with a list of resources.

  8. Click the radio button next to the appropriate resource and click the Select button. The Child Placement Detail page displays with the resource populated.

  9. Select Same as Placement from the Payee drop-down menu. The Search button dynamically displays.

  10. Enter the date AWOL began in the Begin Date field using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.

  11. Click the Save and Return button. The Effective Dating Confirmation List page displays showing the Begin Date for AWOL with the Begin Date and End Date for the previous placement.  

  12. Click the Save button. The Child Placement List page displays with a record showing the child placement as AWOL.

  13. Select Run EDBC from Task Navigation.  The Run EDBC page displays.

  14. Enter the month AWOL begins from the Benefit Month drop-down menu using the <mm/yyyy> format or calendar icon.

  15. Click the Select button.

  16. Select the check box for Foster Care. Click the Run EDBC button. The EDBC List page displays.

  17. Click the Foster Care hyperlink with a Run Status of Not Accepted. The Foster Care EDBC page displays.

  18. Verify the Aid Code, Begin Date and Placement are correct.

  1. Click the Save and Continue button. The Case Summary page displays.

  2. Click the View Details button in the Medical Program block.  The Medical Program Detail page displays.

  3. Click the Edit button.  The Medical Program Detail page displays with edit capabilities.

  4. Click the Edit button on the line for the existing Placement Provider in the Administrative Role section.  The Administrative Role Detail page displays.

  5. Enter the date the child ran in the End Date field using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.

  6. Click the Save and Return button.  The Medical Program Detail page displays.

  7. Click the Add button in the Administrative Roles section. The Administrative Role Detail page displays.

  8. Select Placement Provider from the Administrative Role drop-down menu.

  9. Click the Select button beneath the Resource field. The Select Resource page displays.

  10. Enter AWOL in the Name field. Select Foster Care from the Category drop-down box.

  11. Click the Search button. The Select Resource page displays with a list of resources.

  12. Click the radio button next to the resource required.

NOTE: Usable resources will have a Status of Active.

NOTE: An AWOL resource should adhere to the following format: AWOL <office name> PPS. Example: AWOL-Topeka PPS. Use the office address.

  1. Click the Select button. The Administrative Role Detail page displays with AWOL in the Resource field.

  2. Enter the date the child ran in the Begin Date field using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.

  3. Click the Save and Return button. The Medical Program Detail page displays with AWOL in the Administrative Roles section.

  4. Click the Save and Return button. The Case Summary page displays.

  5. Click Negative Action from Task Navigation.  The Negative Action Detail page displays.

  6. Enter the month the medical case is to close using the 15/30 rule as explained above.

  7. Select the Medical check box next to the consumer’s name.

  8. Select Whereabouts Unknown from the Negative Action Reason drop-down menu.   

  9. Click the Run EDBC button for the come-up month.  The EDBC List page displays.

  10. Click the Medical hyperlink for the benefit month run with the Run Status of ‘Not Accepted’.  The Medical EDBC Summary page displays.

  11. Review the Program Configuration section for accuracy:

  1. Click the Accept button.  The EDBC List page displays with Run Status of Accepted – Not Saved.

  2. Click the Save and Continue button.  The Distributed Documents page displays with the Notice of Action (NOA) generated. Select the check box next to the NOA. Click the Delete button. The NOA is removed from the Distributed Documents page.

  3. Click Journal from Utility Navigation. Journal all actions taken on case. See Journal for more information about journaling functionality.