Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA)

ICAMA, like ICPC, allows for the reciprocation of medical coverage for a child who moves to Kansas with their adoptive parent(s).  As with ICPC, the state of financial responsibility provides the eligibility and verification of the child’s eligibility.  Kansas will reciprocate for both IV-E and State funded adoption cases.

The following steps should be used to complete an ICAMA Medical case:

  1. Complete File Clearance and Registration for the child.

  2. Complete Data Collection – Non-Financial pages:

  3. Complete the Financial page - Other Health Insurance - if applicable.

  4. Select Run EDBC from Task Navigation – the Run EDBC page displays.

  5. Select the benefit month in the Benefit Month drop-down menu then click the Select button.

  6. Select the check box for the Medical program.

  7. Click the Run EDBC button. The EDBC List page displays.

  8. Click the Medical hyperlink with the Run Status of Not Accepted. The Medical EDBC Summary page displays.

  9. Review the Eligible Budgets section:

    • Test = Foster Care Medical

    • Results = Pass

    • FPL % = 0%

    • Premium/LTC Liability/Spenddown = $0.00

    • Aid Code = ASM/DC/N/N

    • LTC Detail = blank

    • Members Tested = child’s name

    • Role = Mem

  10. Click the Accept button. The EDBC List page displays with a Run Status of Accepted – Not Saved.

  11. Click the Save and Continue button. The Distributed Documents page displays with the Notice of Action (NOA) generated.

  12. Select the check box for the NOA. Click the Delete button. The NOA is removed from the Distributed Documents page.

  13. Select Journal from Utility Navigation.  Record all actions taken on the case.  See Journal for more information about journaling functionality.