Pending Verifications Process

This business process flow shows the high level steps utilized to create and process pending verifications.

Business Process Diagram

Business Process Steps

Red/Green Team, FAET, Work Program Worker

Purple Team, FAET, Work Program Worker

Identified Changes

Key Process Considerations

 Verifications Created Automatically

Verifications Created Automatically If the:
Verified field is used by both agencies If the verified field is left pending KEES will automatically create a pending verification record with a program type of ‘Both’
The data collection detail page has a Medical Verified Field and a Non-Medical Verified field. If the Non-Medical verified field is left pending KEES will automatically create a pending verification record with a program type of ‘Non-Medical’
The data collection list page has a program type drop down. If Non-Medical is the program type selected and the verified field is left pending on the data collection detail page KEES will automatically create a pending verification record with a program type of ‘Non-Medical’