Reading the EDBC Summary Page

The EDBC Summary page can be viewed during the eligibility process prior to accepting EDBC or accessed from the EDBC List page when viewing previously accepted EDBC results.

General Information

·         Begin Month and End Month show the dates of the EDBC record.

NOTE: If there is no End Month –the EDBC is high-dated and has not ended. A high-dated EDBC displays the consumer’s current eligibility.

·         Run Date shows the day EDBC was run.

·         Run Status show the Run Status values:

o   Not Accepted

o   Accepted Not Saved

o   Accepted Saved

·         Accepted By shows who accepted the EDBC result:

o   Worker’s Name

o   Manual EDBC

o   Batch Process

EDBC Information

The EDBC Information block shows the type of EDBC:

·   Regular – A Regular EDBC issues benefits and updates the program status based on the EDBC Results. NOTE: This gives no indication or has no bearing on specialized households.

·         Read Only – A Read Only EDBC does not issue any benefits.

The EDBC Information block has a Cross-Case indicator. This displays when a consumer is receiving benefits on another case number. The indicator shows the other case number and the program name.

Program Configuration

·         EDBC Source values include:

o   Online EDBC Rules – Eligibility was determined by rules.

o   Batch – EDBC rules were run automatically for cases that meet predetermined criteria.

o   Manual – Eligibility was determined off system and the outcome was recorded in KEES.

·         Aid Code


·         Program Status values include:

o   Active

o   Denied

o   Discontinued

·         Consumer Name hyperlink

o   Clicking the name hyperlink displays the Individual Eligibility Criteria page.

·         Role values include:

o   MEM (Member) – included in benefits and HH size

o   FRE (Financial Responsible Excluded) – excluded from HH size

o   FRI (Financial Responsible Included) – included in HH size

o   UP (Unaided Person) – excluded from benefits and HH size

·     Role Reasons pertain to individual eligibility and display if the consumer is FRI, FRE or UP. The Role Reason explains why the consumer is or is not considered in the program configuration or budgeting unit.

NOTE:  If an unexpected Role Reason displays, see the LIEAP Ineligibility Status Reason Table for guidance.

·         Status is the program status.

o   Active - At least one eligible program person

o   Denied - At initial application and no program persons are eligible

o   Discontinued - After program is ‘Active’ and EDBC is recalculated determining all program persons are no longer eligible due to changes in the program

·         Status Reason displays if the consumer is Denied or Discontinued and the reason the consumer is not eligible.