Troubleshooting Registration

To Troubleshoot Registration the user must be on the Case Summary page on either the Case Info or Eligibility tab from Global Navigation.

Add Address

Add a Person

Added a Person in Error

Add a Worker

Add a Program

Program Block Opened in Error

Too Many Program blocks

Wrong Case Head

Incorrect Name Spelling, SSN or DOB

Add Address

I completed the registration process and my consumer does not have an address. What do I do?

·         On the Case Summary page, click Contact from Task Navigation. Clicking Contact takes the user to the Contact Summary page where an address can be added using the Add button.

NOTE: Always make sure there is a mailing and physical address listed for every person receiving assistance.

Add a Person

I completed the registration process. An additional consumer needs added to the case. What do I do?

·         On the Case Summary page, click New Person from Task Navigation. The Registration Person Search page displays. The consumer can be searched for and added to the case.

I completed the registration process. A person needs to be added to a program block. What do I do?

·         On the Case Summary page, click the View Details button on the program block to access the Program Details. Click the Edit button to edit the Program Details.

In the Program Persons section click the Add button to add an additional case person to the program.

Added a Person in Error

I completed the registration process. A consumer was added to the case in error. What do I do?

·         On the Case Summary page, click Eligibility from Global Navigation and Customer Information from Local Navigation. Click Household Status from Task Navigation. Click Add on the Household Status List page. From the Name drop-down menu select the consumer added in error. From the Living in the Home Status drop-down menu select Added in Error. Enter the first day of the application month in the Begin Date field in <mm/dd/yyyy> format or use the calendar icon. Click the Save and Return button. Click Case Summary from Local Navigation. Click Hide Person from Task Navigation. Select the check box next to the consumer added in error. Click the Save and Continue button.

I completed the registration process.  A consumer was added to the program in error.  What do I do?

a.      On the Case Summary page, click the View Details button in the program block.

b.      Click the Edit button on the Program Detail page.

c.       In the Program Persons block, click the Edit button for the consumer added in error. The Program Person Detail page displays.

d.      Click the Remove button.

e.     Click the Save and Return button on the Program Detail page. The Case Summary page displays, and the consumer no longer displays in the program block.

When the case is ready to be processed to completion, complete negative action for the program using the Negative Action Reason of Person Added in Error for any program persons added to the program block in error. See Deny or Discontinue Using Negative Action – Non-Medical for detailed steps.

NOTE: The Negative Action Reason of Person Added in Error can only be used if the person is in Pending Status on the program block and it does not generate a NOA snippet for that consumer.

Add a Worker

I registered a program and no worker has been assigned. What do I do?

·         On the Case Summary page, click on the Case Info tab from Global Navigation, click the Worker Assignment tab from Local Navigation. The Pending Assignment List page displays. From this page the user can assign a worker to the program block. See Workload Assignment for more information.

Add a Program

I completed the registration process and did not add a program. What do I do?

·         On the Case Summary page, click New Program from Task Navigation. On the Program Detail page select the Program from the drop-down menu and click the Go button. Complete the information on the New/Reapplication Detail and click the Save and Return button. The Non-Medical Detail page displays. Click the Save and Return button. The Case Summary page displays. Navigate to the Case Info tab from Global Navigation and Worker Assignment from Local Navigation to assign a worker to the program block. See Add New Program or Workload Assignment for more information.

Program Block Opened in Error or Too Many Program Blocks

I completed the registration process and have extra program blocks. What do I do?

·     A KEES Help Desk ticket must be created to close the extra program block. DO NOT attempt to close the program block by running Negative Action.


Wrong Case Head

Consumers were registered/file cleared and the wrong consumer was selected as Primary Applicant. What do I do?

Incorrect Name Spelling, SSN, or DOB Entered at Registration

I registered a consumer and entered the incorrect SSN or DOB.  What do I do?

·         From the Case Summary page, select Eligibility from Global Navigation

and Customer Information from Local Navigation.

·         Select Individual Demographics from Task Navigation.

·         Click the Edit button.

·         On Individual Demographics, DOB and SSN can be edited if entered incorrectly.

NOTE: Remember when editing this page verification values must be selected.