e-Application Linked to the Wrong Case

Complete these steps when an e-Application has been linked to wrong case number. 

NOTE: e-Applications can be linked to multiple cases and cannot be unlinked.

  1. e-Link the e-Application to the correct case.  See e-Application Registration Non-Medical.

  2. Add a Journal Entry on both cases. See Adding a Journal Entry.

  3. Re-Index all Documents to the correct case. See Re-Index Documents.

  4. Void any task created on the case linked in error. See Voiding a Task – KEES Case.

  5. Manually create any Task on the correct case.  See Adding a Task.

  6. Complete a KEES Help Desk Ticket to have the End-User unlinked to the wrong case.

  7. If a duplicate person was created during an e-Linking error, complete a KEES Help Desk Ticket to have the issue remedied.