
Linking and Processing an e-Change

From Within the Change Task:

  1. Click the Images button. The PDF of the reported change displays in ImageNow.

  2. Click the e-Change hyperlink located in the Task Detail. The e-Change Summary page displays. 

  3. Review the e-Change Summary page and PDF document to determine which changes have been reported. 

  4. Click the Process e-Change button.  The Previous Case List page displays.

  5. Click the radio button for the desired Case Number.

  6. Click the Select button. The e-Change Summary page displays with the Case Number and Case Name displaying in the Associated Cases section.

  7. Click the Case Number hyperlink. The Case Summary page displays.  

  8. Process the reported changes to the case. See Add a Program Person – Non-Medical, Non-Financial Data Collection – Non-Medical and/or Financial Data Collection Non-Medical for detailed steps.

  9. If needed, Image and/or re-index any documents submitted or acquired through collateral contacts. 

  10. Complete a Journal entry. 

  11. Complete the task. 

SSP Report a Change Process - Non-Medical

This business process flow shows the high level steps utilized to process a change submitted by a consumer through the Self-Service Portal (SSP).

Business Process Diagram

Report a Change Process diagram.

SSP Business Process Steps

When a consumer submits a change through the SSP, KEES automatically creates and images a PDF version of the change(s) to the Non-Medical Report a Change document type as well as a ‘Change’ task for the Administrative queue. The ‘Change’ task will generate with a priority of ‘Urgent Need’ if the consumer indicates they are reporting a change in address because they need an EBT replacement card.

NOTE: The consumer must still report they need a replacement card to FIS. Address updates in KEES trigger the replacement card to be sent by FIS via an overnight batch if the consumer has already reported the need for a replacement card to FIS.


Eligibility Worker:

NOTE: The PDF of the reported change should be re-indexed from the SSP Uploaded Document document type to the Correspondence document type.

Key Process Considerations