For applicants with a CE Eligible Aid Code, the Override CE Period button displays on the Medical EDBC Summary page. This allows workers to adjust the CE.
To adjust the CE:
From the Medical EDBC Summary page click the Override CE Period button.
The Continuous Eligibility Override Detail page displays and shows two sections – System Determination and Continuous Eligibility Period.
System Determination – This displays the initial determination information:
Name – Lists the names of Applicants on the Program Block with a CE Aid Code.
CE Begin Month – Initial system generated CE Begin Month.
CE End Month – Initial system generated CE End Month.
Aid Code – Initial system generated Aid Code.
Continuous Eligibility Period – This displays the current determination information
Name - Lists the names of applicants on the Program Block with a CE eligible Aid Code.
CE Begin Month – Current determination CE Begin Month.
CE End Month – Current determination CE End Month. This field is editable.
Aid Code – Current determination Aid Code.
Adjustment Reason – Required when CE End Month is adjusted.
Enter the updated CE End Month using the <MM/YYYY> format or the calendar icon.
Select the appropriate Adjustment Reason.
Repeat steps 2-3 for all applicants requiring a CE End Month adjustment.
Click Save and Return.
The Medical EDBC Summary page displays.
NOTE: When EDBC is overridden to approve a consumer who was not previously active or has been overridden to update the CE End date, the Person Review Due date will display or recalculate after accepting and saving EDBC. Also, the Program Review date is set to align with the earliest Program Person’s Review Due date. The Program Review date does not update until EDBC has been accepted and saved. The worker needs to verify the Review Due dates are correct after accepting and saving EDBC.
If an error message displays, see EDBC Warnings.