Primary Applicant’s Date of Death Reported at Review with Children Still in the Household


When working a review with children still in the home, if there is a Date of Death (DOD) reported for the Primary Applicant (PA) and any of the following are true:

  1. Review was signed by deceased PA and there is no other caretaker on the case.

  2. PA is reported as deceased, and the review was sent out and never returned.


Workers will need to use the following instructions to finish processing the review for the rest of the members on the case.


If all members have the same review/CE month use the following steps:

  1. Enter the DOD for the PA on the Individual Demographics screen and mark it as Verified. Select Save and Return.

  2. Navigate to the Reporting screen, select Edit on the review that is being worked.

  3. Update the Review and IR/12 Month Reporting Detail screen with the following:

    1. Document Status: Received

    2. Report Status: Reviewed – Ready to Run EDBC

    3. Date Received: Enter reported DOD for this date.

    4. Is the Review Application signed: Yes

  4. Select Save and Return.

  5. Navigate to the Negative Action screen.

  6. On the come-up month choose the following:

    1. Checkmark all household members who have a review due EXCEPT the PA who is deceased.

    2. Negative Action Reason: Whereabouts Unknown

    3. Run Reason: RE

  7. Select Run EDBC. The EDBC List page will display.

  8. Select the hyperlink for the month of EDBC that is being determined.

  9. Medical EDBC Summary will display. PA’s Status Reason will show Deceased. All other household members Status Reasons will show Whereabouts Unknown.

  10. Select Accept. The EDBC List screen displays.

  11. Select Save and Continue. The Distributed Documents Search screen displays.

  12. Confirm information on NOA shows the correct DOD information for the PA and Whereabouts Unknown for all other household members.

  13. Update journal with actions taken.

Example: Review is due on case 04/2024. PA Seth, CH Darcy, and CH Caleb all have rolling coverage on the case. DOD for Seth is reported as 03/31/2024 to the Clearinghouse. Worker will update Individual Demographics for Seth with the DOD, then update the IR record using DOD as the Date Received for the review. Negative Action screen will have Whereabouts Unknown selected for Darcy and Caleb, RE Run Reason will be used for the come-up month of 05/2024. All household members will be closed and NOA will correctly have the DOD for the PA and the children will be closed at review for Whereabouts Unknown.


If the PA is deceased and other household members have a different review/CE month use the following steps:

  1. Enter the DOD for the PA on the Individual Demographics screen and mark it as Verified. Select Save and Return.

  2. Navigate to the Reporting screen, select Edit on the review that is being worked.

  3. Update the Review and IR/12 Month Reporting Detail screen with the following:

    1. Document Status: Received

    2. Report Status: Reviewed – Ready to Run EDBC

    3. Date Received: Enter reported DOD for this date.

    4. Is the Review Application signed: Yes

  4. Select Save and Return. Navigate to the Run EDBC screen.

  5. Select the come-up month, use the RE Run Reason. Select Run EDBC. The EDBC List screen will display.

  6. Select the hyperlink for the month of EDBC that is being determined.

  7. Medical EDBC Summary will display. PA’s Status Reason will show Deceased.

  8. All other household members will show their continuing coverage to their Review Date.

    1. Workers will need to be sure of the date that the rest of the household members reviews are due. If their due date is extending, worker will need to override their CE end date. Updating Individual Continuous Eligibility.

  9. Select Accept. The EDBC List screen displays.

  10. Select Save and Continue. The Distributed Documents Search screen displays.

  11. Confirm information on NOA shows the correct DOD information for the PA and that other household members will continue their same coverage.

  12. Update journal with actions taken.


Example: Review due on case 04/2024 for PA Seth. Review due for CH Darcy and CH Caleb on 09/2024. PA Seth, CH Darcy, and CH Caleb all have rolling coverage on the case. DOD for Seth is reported as 03/31/2024 to the Clearinghouse. Worker will update Individual Demographics for Seth with the DOD, then update the IR record using DOD as the Date Received for the review. EDBC will be run with the RE Run Reason in the come-up month of 05/2024. Seth will be closed with a reason of Deceased. Darcy and Caleb will continue their CTM coverage through their Continuous Eligibility Period ending 09/2024. If the Continuous Eligibility Dates for Darcy and Caleb change worker will need to manually adjust them back to end 09/2024.