Updating Individual Continuous Eligibility


Continuous Eligibility Adjustment Reasons


The Continuous Eligibility History page will display all CE information for the Applicant.


It is accessed by clicking the Name hyperlink on Program Persons on the Program Block and then clicking the View CE History button in the Continuous Eligibility Periods.

  1. Click the View Details button on the Case Summary page. The Medical Program Detail page displays.

  2. Click the Name hyperlink in the Program Persons Section to update the CE date. This needs to be completed on an individual basis for each applicable person. The Medical Person Detail page displays.

  3. Click the View CE History Button, The Continuous Eligibility History page displays.

  4. Click the Edit button.

  5. Enter the correct CE End Month and the Adjustment Reason. Click the Save and Return button. When following these steps, the Continuous Eligibility History page displays after clicking Save and Return.

  6. Click the Close button. The Medical Person Detail page displays. The worker needs to click the Close button again to return to the Medical Detail page; and then click Save and Return to complete the process and return to the Case Summary page.

NOTE: If editing the Review Due Month, it is important to edit the individual CE dates for each program person prior to editing the Review Due Month. Only edit CE periods for those individuals that have a CE period.



Updating Review Due Month

NOTE: The Review Due Month should only be updated by running EDBC with the RE Run Reason. It should only be updated manually if directed to do so by KEES Help Desk or KDHE Policy.


When editing the Review Due Month, it is important to edit the individual CE dates for the program person(s) prior to editing the Review Due Month.

  1. From the Case Summary page click the View Details button on the Medical Program block needing the adjusted review date. The Medical Detail page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button. The Medical Detail page becomes editable.

  3. Enter the correct Review Due Month using the <mm/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  4. Click the Save and Return button. The Case Summary page displays. When extending the Review Due Month, A soft warning displays:

"Warning! Review Due Month - Try running EDBC with RE Run Reason to update the Review Due Month instead of updating it manually."