Reasonable Compatibility Tool


Reasonable Compatibility Tool


The Reasonable Compatibility test is only performed outside of KEES in two situations:  

  1. The BASI quarter used by KEES does not have wages, but checking BASI manually indicates that there is an additional quarter that could be used for the RC test.  

  2. The Reasonable Compatibility test in KEES has failed to execute, an incident is submitted to the KEES Helpdesk and the KEES Helpdesk has instructed the user to complete the Manual RC Tool.   


General Instructions

Using the RESET Button

To clear all entries and start a new calculation - press the RESET button. It is important to do this after every action so as not to accidentally re-use information from the previous case.  


Accessing the Reasonable Compatibility Tool

Select the Reasonable Compatibility Tool hyperlink to access the worksheet.