To Add an AR from the Case Summary Page


1.    Click the View Details button in the program block. The Medical Program Detail page displays.

2.    Click the Edit button.  The Medical Program Detail page displays in editable mode. 

3.    Click the Add button in the Administrative Roles block. The Administrative Role Detail page displays.

4.    Select the Administrative Role from the Administrative Role drop-down menu.

NOTE: AR’s should never be added unless they are in Active status. 

   5.     Enter the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

NOTE: If processing for a prior Medical month, use the 1st day of the 1st prior Medical month as the Begin Date.

6.    Click the Save and Return button. The Medical Program Detail page displays.

7.    Click the Save and Return button.  The Case Summary page displays. 

Repeat these steps if an additional Administrative Role is needed.