Administrative Role


To Add an AR from the Case Summary Page


To Edit or End Date an AR from the Case Summary Page


An Administrative Role (AR) on a Medical Program Block is someone who is affiliated with a case but is not always a case person.  Unless the AR is also a case person, their information is not be used by KEES rules to determine eligibility.  



Guidance when adding a Medical AR


NOTE:  When a Resource ID is located within the RDB, check the Service type to ensure they are not indicated as a SMART Vendor. Medical Staff do not use resources listed as SMART Vendors. If the only accurate resource found is a SMART Vendor, request an update to a different resource or request that a new Resource is added. If an appropriate Resource ID is found, note the Resource ID number located in the Resource Databank as it is used to add the admin role to ensure the correct record is used. See Administrative Role.