WA 536 Incorrect IBU for 18-Year-Old Primary Applicant with Non-Filing Parent in the Home

EDBC is not correctly building Non-Filer Rules IBU for an 18-year-old who has a non-tax filing parent (or parents) in the home. A filing Tax record must be added to correctly calculate the IBU.


If the PA is filing taxes, the Minor Child Files Taxes process must also be followed.


Example: Application received applying for 18-year-old only. Two parents and one minor sibling are in the home but not requesting coverage. No one is filing taxes.


NOTE: Step 1 assumes all data collection pages have been completed.


Within the context of the case:

  1. Navigate to the Tax link from Task Navigation. The Tax List page displays.

  2. Click the Add button. The Tax Detail page displays.

  3. Complete the General Tax Information:

  1. Run EDBC for all applicable months.

  2. Once EDBC has been Accepted and Saved, remove the parent(s) tax record.

  3. Create a Journal entry documenting that WA536 was used.