Enter all data for the eligibility determination including all Regular and Recurring Expenses.
NOTE: See Non-Financial Data Collection and Financial Data Collection for help completing data for an eligibility determination.
Run EDBC to determine the spenddown amount. See Medical Summary for information on viewing the spenddown amount. Note the amount, but do not Save and Accept the EDBC result.
Click the Cancel button from the Medical EDBC Summary page.
Once the spenddown amount is known, return to the Expense page to allow the past due and owing expense up to the amount of the remaining spenddown.
Select Expenses from Task Navigation. The Expense List page displays.
Select Medical Expense from the Expense Category drop-down menu.
Click the Add button. The Expense Detail page displays.
Select Past Due Owing from the Expense Type drop-down menu.
Select One Time Payment from the Frequency drop-down menu.
Click the Add button in the Contributors block to select who is responsible for paying the expense.
NOTE: Medical programs record each Medical expense as an individual record.
Select the Contributor from the drop-down menu.
Enter a Begin Date of the first day of the first spenddown month using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
Enter an End Date with the last day of the first spenddown month (ex. 05/01/2013 and 05/31/2013) using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
NOTE: Setting a Begin and End Date for the first month of the spenddown base period allows the expense to be counted one time in the first spenddown month.
Click the Save and Return button to save the Contributor record.
Click the Add button in the Amounts block to add the Amount the consumer pays for the expense.
Enter the expense amount in the Amount field on the Expense Amount Detail page.
Enter a Begin Date of the first day of the first spenddown month using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
Enter an End Date with the last day of the first spenddown month (ex. 05/01/2013 and 05/31/2013) using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
Select a value from the Verification drop-down menu.
NOTE: Setting a Begin and End Date for the first month of the spenddown base period allows the expense to be counted one time in the first spenddown month.
Save the Expense Amount Detail page by clicking the Save and Return button. The Expense Detail page displays.
Click the Save and Add Another button to add additional Expense Category records. Otherwise, click the Save and Return button.
Run EDBC to update the spenddown with the Past Due and Owing allowed.
Create a Future Task if there are any remaining past due amounts from this expense that needs to be added to the next base period. See Adding a Future Task-KEES Case for steps on creating a future task.