Adding a Motor Vehicle Record – Non-Medical

All motor vehicles owned by household members should be recorded in KEES. Upon running EDBC, KEES rules determine if the vehicle is a countable or exempt resource.

NOTE: For the Food Assistance program, do not add resources for adult children ages 18-22 years old.

To Add a Motor Vehicle Record

  1. Access the case through Person Search or enter the Case Number in the quick search field from Task Navigation and click the Go button. The Case Summary page displays.

  2. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Click the + beside Financial from Task Navigation to open the financial data collection pages. Select Resource from Task Navigation. The Resource List page displays.

  3. Select Non-Medical from the Program Type drop-down menu.

  4. Select Motor Vehicle from the Resource Category drop-down menu.

  5. Click the Add button. The Motor Vehicle Detail page displays.

  6. Select the resource Owner(s) from the drop-down menu. If there are more than two owners, click the Add button.

NOTE:  When adding joint owners, list the primary driver of the vehicle first, if that information is not known, do not list the same person on multiple vehicles first.

  1. Enter the Year, Make, and Model of the vehicle in the appropriate fields.

  1. Select the Motor Vehicle Type from the drop-down menu. See KEES Non-Medical Resource Values for more information.

  2. Enter a Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  3. Select the Fair Market Value Source from the drop-down menu.

  4. Select Yes or No from the Registered in Kansas drop-down menu.

  5. Select a Status/Usage Code from the drop-down menu. This value is required for EDBC to determine if a vehicle is exempt or non-exempt.

    NOTE: A Status/Usage Code of Vehicle generates Balance Owed and Fair Market Value text boxes that must be completed. The user should enter the current countable value in the Fair Market Value text box, and the current amount owed in the Balance Owed text box.

  6. Select a Verified value from the drop-down menu.

  7. Click the Save and Add Another button to add additional Motor Vehicle records. Otherwise, click the Save and Return button. The Resource List page displays.