P3 KEES User Manual

The primary goal of the KEES (Kansas Eligibility Enforcement System) User Manual is to provide knowledge of the functionality used to process and maintain cases.

Information to assist the user with KEES functionality is in various sections throughout the manual.


Troubleshooting - Provides possible resolutions to specific scenarios or suggestions on where to go in the user manual to review process steps when unexpected results occur.

Workarounds - Provides links to alternate steps written when KEES functionality does not match business needs.   Where relevant, links to workarounds are also listed at the beginning of their respective topics or pages.

Other Helpful Information - Provides information or tools such as desk aids, charts, diagrams and webinars.


Navigation in the User Manual can be done by using the Table of Contents, clicking links throughout the manual content, clicking within the path name at the top of a page or searching for a word then click on the relevant search result.

NOTE:  To narrow a search in the user manual, put a word or phrase in quotation marks. Searches using quotation marks search for the phrase verbatim. Utilizing quotation marks indicates to the search engine that the words belong together and thus it won't search for those words separately.


"contact log" -  including the quotation marks, returns 14 results of the phrase 'contact log'.

contact - no punctuation or quotations, returns 89 results which include contact, contacts, contacting contact log, contact summary, contact type, etc.

contact log - no punctuation or quotations, returns 150+ results which include contact, log, contact log, contact summary, contact type, logging, log, etc.

To turn off your Pop-up Blocker

  1. Open the Internet browser.

  2. Click the settings icon. The settings drop-down menu displays.

  3. Select Internet options. The Internet Options window opens.

  4. Select the Privacy tab. Locate the Pop-up Block section towards the bottom of the window.

  5. Click the check box to remove the check mark.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Click OK.

KEES System is Slow or There is a Complete Work Stoppage

  1. Collect specific examples of system slowness.

  1. Notify the KEES Help Desk via email or call 1-844-723-KEES(5337) and select Option 2.

User cannot access KEES, but can access the internet

  1. If occurring for all users, notify the KEES Help Desk via email or call 1-844-723-KEES(5337) and select Option 2.

  2. If occurring for an individual, have user follow your agency's procedures for IT issues.

Contact Us

Call Center Phone Number: 844-723-5337

KEES Help Desk Email: KEES.HelpDesk@ks.gov

KEES Tier 1 Email (Access Issues Only): KEES.Tier1@ks.gov