Access the case through Person Search or enter the Case Number in the quick search field from Task Navigation and click Go. The Case Summary page displays.
Select Eligibility from Global Navigation and Customer Information from Local Navigation. The Contact Summary page displays.
Select Noncustodial Parents from Task Navigation. The Noncustodial Parent List page displays.
Click the Add button. The Noncustodial Parent Detail page displays. The Applicant Name, Child Name, Gender, SSN and DOB are pre-populated.
Select the appropriate value from the Paternity Status drop-down menu.
Select the check box for Referral.
NOTE: Checking this box generates the CSS referral.
Select Other from the Parent Name drop-down menu.
Complete all required information in each section. Complete any additional information if available.
A. Potential Noncustodial Parent Personal Information:
First and Last Name (Last Name is required)
Select foster child from the Reason noncustodial parent not in home drop-down menu.
B. Physical Address
C. Employment
D. Marital Status
E. Court Order
F. Paternity
Select No from the Do you want other child support services? drop-down menu.
Click the Save button if all information known is entered. The Noncustodial Parent Detail page displays in view mode.
View the document. If correct, click the Close button.
Repeat the process for the other parent.