Adding an Expense - Non-Medical

Expenses are used in the EDBC budget to determine the benefit amount a household is potentially eligible for. The Expense Detail page displays different fields for completion based on the Expense Category selected. See KEES Expense Values for more information.

NOTE: If a Health Insurance Premium Amount or Contributor begins, changes, or ends for a consumer with an Active Medical program, KDHE must be notified via the Contact Log on the Medical case. See the Agency Cross Communication Guide for information on completing the appropriate Contact Log fields.

To Add an Expense

  1. Access the case through Person Search or enter the Case Number in the quick search field from Task Navigation and click the Go button. The Case Summary page displays.

  2. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Click the + beside Financial from Task Navigation to open the financial data collection pages. Select Expenses from Task Navigation. The Expense List page displays.

  3. Select the Expense Category from the drop-down menu. See KEES Expense Values for more information.

  4. Click the Add button. The Expense Detail page displays.

  5. Select the Expense Type from the drop-down menu. See KEES Expense Values for more information.

    NOTE: HCBS Obligation is counted in the EDBC budget automatically by KEES. The user should not need to select a Medical Expense of HCBS Obligation. Adding an HCBS obligation as a Medical Expense would result in duplicate counting of this expense in the EDBC budget.  

    NOTE: The Child Care Family Share is counted in the EDBC budget automatically by KEES. Child Care costs in excess or outside of a Family Share should be recorded on the Expense pages.  

  6. Select the Frequency from the drop-down menu.

  7. In the Contributors block, click the Add button. The Expense Contributors Detail page displays.

  8. Select the person responsible for paying the expense from the Person(s) drop-down menu.

  9. Enter the Begin Date of the first day of the first month the expense should start being counted using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  10. Click the Save and Return button. The Expense Detail page displays.

    NOTE: If the Expense Category and Type is Homeless Shelter Expense, the Amounts block should not be completed. Skip to STEP 16
  11. In the Amounts block, click the Add button. The Expense Amount Detail page displays.

  12. Enter the Amount the consumer pays for the expense.

    NOTE: The Amount Paid by Others field should not be used.

  13. Enter the Begin Date of the first day of the first month the expense should start being counted using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  14. Select a value from the Verified drop-down menu.

  15. Click the Save and Return button. The Expense Detail page displays.

  16. If there are additional expenses of the same Expense Category, click the Save and Add Another button. Once all expenses of the same Expense Category have been entered, click the Save and Return button. The Expense List page displays.