Home > KEES User Manual > EES Eligibility Programs > Overpayments/Underpayments > Overpayments > Adding an Overpayment to an Existing Recovery Account
Run EDBC for the month of the overpayment. Select a Timely Notice Exception of Yes and a Reason of Admin/Client Error. The EDBC result shows as Not Accepted on the EDBC List page.
Click the EDBC hyperlink to view the EDBC Summary. The EDBC Summary shows if an overpayment exists.
If an overpayment exists, click the Accept button to accept the EDBC result.
When the user clicks the Accept button, the Select Recovery Account page is accessed within the context of the case and shows all pending Recovery Accounts associated to the case.
The pending Recovery Account shows on this page. Select the radio button for the desired Recovery Account.
Once the Recovery Account is selected, the EDBC List page displays.
Click the Save and Continue button.
NOTE: This process needs to be completed for each month an overpayment is processed (though a single Recovery Account is used for all associated overpayments). Remember to always run the EDBC months in order from the initial overpayment month to the last overpayment month.
After re-running EDBC for the months with overpayments and adding the amounts to the Pending Recovery Account, the Status of the account needs to remain Pending until the consumer has had 15 days to respond to the demand letter.
NOTE: If the Status Reason is Pending Fraud Prosecution the user must wait until the judgement is made on the pending fraud before generating the repayment agreement form. Additionally, the Recovery Account should NOT be set to Active until the Fraud determination has been completed.
Navigate to the Recovery Account by selecting Fiscal from Global Navigation and Collections from Local Navigation. The Recovery Account Search page displays.
Complete a search for the Recovery Account.
Click the Recovery Account hyperlink. The Recovery Account Detail page displays.
If the account is NOT Pending Fraud Prosecution, use the Generate Form button to generate a notice for the consumer.
If the account is Pending Fraud Prosecution, click the Edit button. The page becomes editable.
Select a Status Reason of Pending Fraud Prosecution then click the Save button.
Create a case flag for an Outstanding Overpayment see Setting a Case Flag for instructions.
If a Repayment Agreement was sent, a task is created with a due date 15 days after the form is sent. Once the consumer has had 15 days to respond, the user can set the Recovery Account to Active when setting the recoupment amount. See Setting a Recoupment for instructions on creating the recoupment.
NOTE: Once the Status on a Recovery Account Detail is set to Active no additional overpayments may be added to that account.