The Child Care Applicant Resource Eligibility Test shows the program resource limit based on the program and the total amount of resources entered by the user for the benefit month.
The Benefit Month Resource amount is a hyperlink to the Property Detail page. The Property Detail page shows a list of resources and the countable amount used in the determination. The Result shows Pass, Fail or Waived for the resource test.
NOTE: KEES currently displays and tests for a resource limit of 1,000,000 – the resource limit for Child Care is $10,000. The users should use EDBC to “help” determine what resources are countable and then perform a Negative Action to discontinue or deny the case. A Negative Action of “Not Eligible – Other Reasons” should be selected. The NOA should be appended to indicate the consumer exceeds the Resource Limit.
The Child Care Applicant Financial Eligibility Test block shows the income used in the determination for that benefit month.
Unearned Income - the countable unearned income recorded on the Income page. Clicking the amount hyperlink navigates the user to the EDBC Person Line Item Detail page.
Earned Income - the countable earned income recorded on the Income page. Selecting the amount hyperlink takes the user to the EDBC Person Line Item Detail page.
Total Income - the total countable income budgeted for the household.
Family Unit Size - the household size being used to determine the benefit amount standard. Clicking the number hyperlink navigates the user to the Unit Size Detail page. This page shows the names, DOBs, Roles, and Role Reasons for those budgeted in the unit size.
Income Limit - the income limit based on the household size.
Result - shows Pass if the household is income eligible for child care benefits, or Fail if the household is not income eligible for child care benefits.
The Child Care block shows the determination for the benefit month.
Enrollment Fee - the amount allowed from the Family Plan.
Family Cost of Care - the benefit amount prior to any Family Share.
Family Share - the amount the consumer is responsible to pay based on the household size and income.
Benefit Amount - displays the benefit amount for the household for the benefit month.
The Benefit Payment block shows the Income used in the determination for that benefit month.
Child Care Budget Benefit Amount - the total benefit allowable for a full month as calculated by EDBC.
Family Plan Benefit Amount - the benefit amount from the Child Care Family Plan for the Benefit Month.
NOTE: If the Child Care Budget Benefit Amount does not match the Family Plan Benefit Amount on the EDBC Summary, the results display as Read Only. If a batch runs EDBC and the amounts do not match, the Family Plan Benefit Amount is issued and a task is generated for the Purple queue.
Benefit Payment - the prorated benefit amount. The issuance is either the Child Care Budget Benefit Amount or the Family Plan Benefit Amount based on Online EDBC Rules or Batch EDBC Rules.
Potential Benefit - the full month’s potential benefit.
Previous Potential Benefit Amount - the amount of benefits that have already been paid for the particular EDBC month. If no benefits have been issued for the benefit month, this amount displays as $0.00. When an overpayment/underpayment is determined, this amount is subtracted from the Potential Benefit amount. If the Previous Potential Benefit (issued amount) is greater than the Potential Benefit amount, the difference displays in the Overpayment Adjustment Amount field.
Authorized Amount - the final amount that will be authorized for the consumer’s use.