Citizenship/Identity - Non-Medical

DCF uses the Non-Medical Identity Verified field to indicate that the consumer's ID has been provided. Non-Medical programs that require citizenship verification use the Individual Demographics page to record the information.

Existing values on this page should NOT be altered by DCF, with the exception of the Non-Medical Verified field.

If a Citizenship/Identity record already exists for the consumer, click the Name hyperlink to verify the correct Non-Medical Identity Verified value displays.  If the correct value does not display, see To Edit a Citizenship/Identity Record below for guidance.

NOTE:  The Verification Value on the Citizenship/Identity List page is based on the Medical Verified fields.  If displays as Pending, do NOT update the Medical Verified fields.

To Add a Citizenship/Identity Record:

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Citizenship/Identity from Task Navigation.

  2. Click the Add button on the Citizenship/Identity List page.

  3. Select a Name from the drop-down menu.

  1. In the Identity Verification section, select the Other Identifications for FA, TANF or CC from the Document Type drop-down menu.

  2. Select the appropriate value from the Non-Medical Identity Verified drop-down menu.

  3. Click the Save button. The Citizenship/Identity Detail page displays.

  4. Check for accuracy; click Edit to make corrections or click the Close button.

To Edit a Citizenship/Identity Record:

  1. Click the Edit button for the record requiring the edit.

  2. Select the appropriate value from the Non-Medical Identity Verified drop-down menu.

  3. Click the Save button. The Citizenship/Identity Detail page displays.

  4. Check for accuracy; click Edit to make corrections or click the Close button.