This business process flow shows the high level steps utilized to process a request for Food Assistance Replacement from a Household Disaster.
Submits a request for replacement benefits, generating a Change task through the Lobby or Non-Lobby.
Claims the Change task.
Request the consumer sign the Statement of Loss of Food Due to Disaster form.
Verify the disaster and need to replace the consumer’s Food Assistance.
Complete the ES-3143: Food Assistance Replacement during Household Disasters form.
Print the form to ImageNow and index it to the consumer’s case number using the Legal document type.
Email Unit to let them know a request has been made and imaged.
Complete the task.
Receive e-mail from the Purple Team and research the request.
Utilize the Issuance Detail page in KEES to re-issue Food Assistance to the consumer.
Email the Purple team to notify the consumer their replacement benefits have been approved.
Receive the e-mail and send the Consumer the X046: Food Assistance Replacement Notice from KEES.
Note: This scenario has the Purple team processing the request for Food Assistance Replacement benefits, but the request can be handled by whomever the local office chooses to designate. KEES does not impact who handles these requests in each office.
Replacement request are processed in KEES.
DCF Field Office prints the ES-3143 form to ImageNow and index appropriately.
Additional information about this process can be found under V.1 in the KEESM Appendix.
The ‘Statement of Loss of Food Due to Disaster’ is found on the backside of the ES-3143.
Notification to the Consumer that their request has been processed can be done via a phone call or through sending the X046: Food Assistance Replacement Notice from KEES.