This block is used to determine if the consumer meets certain eligibility criteria. Fields include:
Categorically Eligible
Eligible for Expedited Services
Public Assistance
This block shows the program resource limit based on the program, household type and the total amount of resources entered by the user for the benefit month.
The Benefit Month Resource amount is a hyperlink to the Property Detail page. The Property Detail page lists the resources and the countable amount used in the determination.
The Gross Income Eligibility block shows the Income used in the determination for that benefit month.
Self-Employment Income - shows the gross self-employment income recorded on the Income page. Clicking the amount hyperlink takes the user to the EDBC Person Line Item Detail page.
Unearned Income - shows the gross unearned income as recorded on the Income page. Clicking the amount hyperlink takes the user to the EDBC Person Line Item Detail page.
Earned Income - shows the gross earned income as recorded on the Income page. Clicking the amount hyperlink takes the user to the EDBC Person Line Item Detail page.
Total Gross Nonexempt Income - shows the total of all the gross income amounts.
Family Unit Size - shows the household size being used for the benefit determination. Clicking the number hyperlink takes the user to the Unit Size Detail page. This page shows the names, DOBs, Roles, and Role Reasons for those budgeted in the unit size.
Benefit Amount - this displays the maximum gross income limit for the household size.
Result - shows Pass if the household qualifies for Food Assistance benefits, or Fail if the household does not qualify for Food Assistance benefits or Waived if the household is not required to pass the Gross Income test.
This block shows the Income used in the determination for that benefit month.
Self-Employment Income - shows the net self-employment income. Clicking the amount hyperlink takes the user to the EDBC Person Line Item Detail page.
Unearned Income - shows the net unearned income. Clicking the amount hyperlink takes the user to the EDBC Person Line Item Detail page.
Earned Income - shows the net earned income. Clicking the amount hyperlink takes the user to the EDBC Person Line Item Detail page.
Deductions -shows the amount of deductions used when calculating the benefit; including the Standard Deduction and Earned Income Deduction. Clicking the amount hyperlink navigates the user to the EDBC Person Line Item Detail – SNAP Deductions. This page displays the itemized deductions for the Food Assistance budget.
Total Adjusted Income -shows the amount of income used when making the benefit calculation.
Excess Shelter Costs - shows the total shelter costs for the household. Clicking the amount hyperlink displays the EDBC Person Line Item Detail – SNAP Excess Shelter Costs. This page shows the itemized Housing, Utility, and other Allowable Shelter Costs.
Maximum Shelter Allowance - displays the maximum shelter allowance used for the Food Assistance budget when determining the benefit amount.
Allowed Shelter Costs - the total of the allowed shelter costs.
Total Net Nonexempt Income - the income used in determining the benefit amount.
Family Unit Size – displays the household size being used for the benefit determination. Clicking the number hyperlink takes the user to the Unit Size Detail page. This page shows the names, DOBs, Roles, and Role Reasons for those budgeted in the unit size.
Maximum Net Income - displays the maximum net income limit for the household size.
Result - shows Pass if the household qualifies for Food Assistance benefits, or Fail if the household does not qualify for Food Assistance benefits.
This block shows the Income used in the determination for that benefit month.
Full Month Benefit - the total benefit for a full month.
Dates to Prorate - displays dates for which the consumer is receiving assistance.
Benefit - the prorated benefit amount.
Final Benefit - the total benefits to be paid to the consumer.
Overridden Benefit - the amount a user entered using the Override button.
Previous Potential Benefit Amount - the amount of benefits that have already been paid for the EDBC month. When an overpayment/underpayment is determined, this amount is subtracted from the Benefit amount. If the Previous Potential Benefit (issued amount) is greater than the Benefit amount, the difference displays in the Overpayment Adjustment Amount field.
Overpayment Adjustment Amount - the difference between the Previous Potential Benefit (issued amount) and the current Benefit amount.
Authorized Amount - the final amount that will be authorized for the consumer’s use.