Income from Child/Spousal Support - Non-Medical

Use the Average Calculator to prospectively budget income from child/spousal support. See the steps under Adding Income for help navigating to the Income Detail page.  For instructions on adding child support income for a TANF application see Income from Child Support for TANF at Application.

NOTE:  One child support record should be added per child and per child support order.

From the Income Detail page:

  1. Select the Name of the consumer receiving the income from the drop-down menu.

    NOTE: This should be the child’s name unless the child is receiving benefits on more than one case due to split custody situations. In those instances, the Name selected should be the Parent/Caretaker who receives the income on behalf of the child.

  2. Select the income Type from the drop-down menu. See KEES Non-Medical Income Values for more information.

    NOTE: The Income Types Child Support Expected and Child Support Arrearages should not be used when budgeting child support income. Instead users should select Child Support Current for expected income and Child Support-Arrearages Paid to Client for arrearage income.

  3. Verify Once a Month defaults in the Frequency drop-down menu.

  4. Enter the First and Last Name of the person paying the support in the Person Paying Name text box.

  5. In the Income Amounts section, select Non-Medical from the Display by Program Type drop-down menu. The Add button dynamically displays.

  6. Click the Add button. The Income Amount Detail page displays.

    1. If using a three month average, proceed to STEP 7.

    2. If using a court ordered amount or less than three month average, enter the monthly amount in the Reported Amount field.  Skip to STEP 14.

  7. In the Average Calculator, enter the Date Received using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  8. Enter the Amount of child/spousal support received.

  1. For the Count in Average column, if any amounts are not representative and should not be included in the calculation select No from the drop-down menu. Otherwise, leave the value defaulted to Yes.

  1. To record multiple support amounts, click the Add button to create an additional support value in the Average Calculator.

  2. Select 3 from the Divisor drop-down menu to indicate that the average is based on the 3 months of payments entered.

    NOTE: When budgeting intermittent child support, select a Divisor that is equivalent to the time period the months are for. For Example: Child support received semi-annually, select a Divisor of 6; child support received annually, select a Divisor of 12.

    NOTE: If the support is for more than one person select the Number of Children from the drop-down menu. If the income is spousal support or is for only one child the user does not need to select a value.

  3. When all payment/check amounts have been entered, click the Calculate button.

  4. Click the Use button. The calculated income amount populates in the Reported Amount field.

  5. Enter the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon. This date is the first day of the application month unless the first payment was received within that month.

  6. Select a Verified value from the drop-down menu.

  7. Select the Source for the verification from the drop-down menu.

  8. Click the Save and Return button. The Income Detail page displays.

    NOTE: If the calculator is being used for child support income and there is more than one child on the record, then the record can be copied to capture income for the other child(ren) by clicking the Copy button.

  9. Click the Save and Add Another button to add additional Income from Child/Spousal Support. Otherwise, click the Save and Return button. The Income List page displays.