Unearned Income - the gross unearned income recorded on the Income page. Clicking the amount hyperlink navigates the user to the EDBC Person Line Item Detail page.
Earned Income - the gross earned income recorded on the Income page.
Total Net Nonexempt Income - the net amount of the nonexempt income.
Assistance Unit Size - this field displays how many individuals are included in the budgeting unit.
Dwelling Type - the dwelling type in which the consumer resides.
Fuel Type - the type of fuel for which the LIEAP benefit pays.
Vendor Utility Type Code - the fuel type of the Primary Vendor Recipient.
Benefit Payment - the prorated benefit amount
Previous Benefit Amount - the amount of benefits that have already been paid for the particular EDBC month. If no benefits have been issued for the benefit month, this amount displays as $0.00. When an overpayment/underpayment is determined, this amount is subtracted from the Potential Benefit amount. If the Previous Potential Benefit (issued amount) is greater than the Potential Benefit amount, the difference displays in the Overpayment Adjustment Amount field.
Overpayment Adjustment Amount - This field displays the difference between the Previous Potential Benefit (issued amount) and the current Benefit amount. . If no benefits have been issued for the benefit month, this amount displays as $0.00.
Authorized Amount - the final amount that will be authorized for the consumer’s use.
The Money Management block shows the Vendor(s) for LIEAP payment.