SSI Households are exempt from TANF Time Limits per KEESM 2240. Follow the steps below to adjust TANF months to approve a TANF application with an adult receiving SSI.
To Update TANF Time Limit Months:
From the context of the case, select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Time Limits from Task Navigation. The Time Limit Summary page displays.
Click the Name hyperlink for the consumer in the Cash-Aid block. The Cash Aid Time Limit Month List page displays.
Click the Edit button associated to the month you want to update. The Cash Aid Time Limit Month Detail page displays.
NOTE: Best practice is to first remove the most recent TANF months received in Kansas.
Change the Add Reason from KEES Month to Manual if Manual is not already selected.
Select Other/Entered in Error from the Type drop-down menu.
Select Entered in Error/Remove from the Reason drop-down menu.
Click the Save button. The Cash Aid Time Limit Month List page displays and the updated month(s) displays as Exempt.
Repeat Steps 3-7 until the counter reaches 22 months.
Click the Close button. The Time Limit Summary page displays.