Request for Enhanced Rate at Child Care Review

When processing a Review for Child Care where the household is receiving Enhanced Rate, it is not necessary for Eligibility Staff to send the 1627a: Request for Enhanced Rate for Special Care to the consumer prior to processing. If an updated form is required, Child Care Provider Enrollment Staff will notify EES.

All other Non-Financial, Financial, and Child Care Data Collection for the review (including confirming the consumer is otherwise eligible for the child care benefit) should be completed prior to following the steps below for Adding a Child Care Need for a Child(ren) in order to Request an Enhanced Rate of Care at Review and Requesting an Enhanced Rate at Review.

Adding a Child Care Need for a Child(ren) in order to Request an Enhanced Rate of Care at Review

  1. Within the context of the case, select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Click the + beside Child Care from Task Navigation to open the Child Care data collection pages. Select Child Care Need Child from Task Navigation. The Child Care Needs List – Child page displays.

  2. Click the Add button. The Child Care Need Detail – Child page displays.

  3. Select the child’s name from the Name drop-down menu.

  4. Select Enhanced Rate from the Need drop-down menu.

  5. Enter the Begin Date of the first day of the new review period, using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  6. The End Date pre-populates to match the review date. If needed, adjust the End Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  7. Click the Save and Return button. The Child Care Needs List – Child page displays.

    NOTE: To complete the Enhanced Rate Request and notify CC Provider Enrollment Staff see Requesting an Enhanced Rate at Review.

Requesting an Enhanced Rate at Review

Once the Child Care Need – Child Detail has been created for Enhanced Rate, a request must be made within a Child Care Plan for the child. Follow the Steps below for Adding a Family Plan and Child Care Plan(s) at Review and Submitting the Request for Enhanced Rate at Review.
For detailed steps regarding the Enhanced Rate Request business process, see Child Care (CC) Enhanced Rate for Special Care Process.

NOTE: Staff will need to override the Family Plan when there is a change to a child care plan (other than a change in provider) that requires staff to end date the plan and the child is linked to an Enhanced Rate. This involves looking at the hours calculated by KEES and multiplying that by the Enhanced Rate to get the cost of care. End dating the child care plan breaks the tie between the case and the Enhanced Rate provider in the RDB. Since the tie is broken, KEES calculates the cost of care at the normal rate unless this step is taken. There is no need to request an Enhanced Rate approval again if the Child Care program is still within the 1 year review period and a new provider is not requested.

Adding a Family Plan and Child Care Plan(s) at Review

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Click the + beside Child Care from Task Navigation to open the Child Care data collection pages. Select Family Plan from Task Navigation. The Family Plan – Child Care List page displays.

  2. Click the Add button on the Family Plan – Child Care List page. The Family Plan – Child Care Detail page displays.

  3. Enter the Begin and End Dates using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon. The Begin and End Dates should match the consumer’s review period, with the Begin Date as the application date.

  4. On the Family Plan – Child Care Detail page, click the Add Plan button. The Child Care Plan Detail page displays.

  5. The Begin and End Dates pre-populate with the Begin and End Dates of the Family Plan. If necessary, adjust the dates accordingly.

  6. Select the Child’s Name from the drop-down menu. The Address, Date of Birth and Age pre-populates based on information entered in the Non-Financial data collection pages.

  7. Click the Select button associated to the Provider field. The Select Service and Provider page displays.

  8. Enter the name of the chosen child care provider in the Resource Name field.

  9. Click the Search button. All active providers matching the search criteria display.

  10. Click the radio button for the appropriate provider. Then click the Select button. The Child Care Plan Detail page displays with the information for the provider populated in the Phone, Address, Type, and Hours of Operation fields.

  11. If the consumer has requested an enrollment fee and is eligible per policy, enter the amount of the Enrollment Fee. Enter the Enrollment Fee Month using the <mm/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.  

    NOTE: When the consumer has already received the maximum enrollment fee assistance for the indicated time period per policy, a warning message displays.

  12. Under the Need for Care Schedule section, click the Add button to add the child care schedule. The Select Need For Care Schedule page displays with the schedule(s) for the parent(s), including travel time.

    NOTE: In 2 parent households, only the overlapping hours display in the Schedule field. This only applies to step-parents and cohabiting partners if Care & Control is marked for the child on the Relationship Detail page.

  13. Using the check box(es), select the schedule(s) to be used for the child care plan.

    NOTE: If the Start Time, End Time and/or Days Of The Week need to be adjusted (for example, a schedule that extends past the provider hours), the user may only select 1 schedule at a time. By selecting only 1 schedule the Start Time, End Time, and Days Of The Week display to be edited.

  14. Click the Select button. The Child Care Plan Detail page displays with the Need for Care Schedule populated.

  15. If additional hours should be included in the Child Care Need for Care Schedule, click the Add button. The Select Need For Care Schedule page displays with the remaining schedule(s). Repeat STEP 13 – STEP 14.

    NOTE: The Select Need For Care Schedule page displays any overlapping parent/caretaker schedules that have not already been accounted for on a Child Care Plan for the child. If there is no schedule listed on that page, click the Cancel button and review the Need for Care Schedule on all Child Care Plans for the child for accuracy.

  16. Once the Need for Care Schedule is completed, click the Calculate button. The Approved Hours and Benefit Hours display for the Child Care Plan Period.

  17. Click the Save and Return button. The Family Plan – Child Care Detail page displays.

    NOTE: Several Soft Warnings could display, when saving the Family Plan - Child Care Detail. See Child Care Warnings for guidance.

    1. If additional Child Care Plans are needed, repeat STEP 4 – STEP 17.

    2. After adding all necessary Child Care Plans, proceed to STEP 18.

  18. After adding all necessary Child Care Plans, click the Calculate button on the Family Plan – Child Care Detail page. The Family Benefit Schedule populates.

    NOTE: If the consumer is not eligible for Child Care based on the information entered on all of the data collection pages, N/A displays for the entirety of the Family Plan. If this result is not expected, Save or Cancel the Family Plan and Run EDBC for Child Care to determine the ineligibility status.

    NOTE: If the Family Share exceeds the Cost of Care for the entire duration of the Family Plan, Save the Family Plan and Negative Action the program with a Reason of Family Share Exceeds Cost of Care.

  19. Click the Save button. The Family Plan – Child Care Detail page displays in a Read-Only version.

Submitting the Request for Enhanced Rate at Review

  1. On the Family Plan – Child Care Detail page, click the Edit button. The page re-displays in editable format.

  2. Click the Edit button for the Child Care Plan. If the child has more than one child care plan, select the child care plan for the provider on the enhanced rate request. The Child Care Plan Detail page displays.

  3. Click the Request Enhanced Rate button.

  4. Click the Cancel button. The Family Plan – Child Care Detail page displays.

  5. Click the Close button. The Family Plan – Child Care List page displays with the Family Plan Status of Change Pending.

If the user has made all necessary updates to the case, leave the Child Care program in Pending Status until the Enhanced Rate determination is received from Child Care Provider Enrollment staff.

NOTE: If the review is being processed late and the consumer requests benefits continue while waiting for the Enhanced Rate determination, it is okay to Run EDBC (with the correct Run Reason) to issue benefits at the regular rate. For this scenario, when the response from Child Care Provider Enrollment staff is received it may be necessary to process an underpayment.