Vehicle modification may be provided if necessary to enable the individual to participate in IPE services or achieve an employment outcome. Under these circumstances, such modifications are available to any eligible client, regardless of significance of disability, as long as the individual is in an open category of service through Order of Selection. Prior to authorizing such services, the counselor and individual should discuss whether the individual owns or has use of another vehicle which would already meet the individual’s transportation needs. In some instances, it may be appropriate to secure a driving evaluation to determine whether the individual will be capable of driving the vehicle once it is modified. Consideration of the age and mileage of the vehicle should be made before authorizing the service, and in some instances it may be appropriate to secure a mechanic’s inspection prior to authorizing the service.
Vehicle modification is an assistive technology service. Use Code 412. The overall cost cap for vehicle modifications is $13,500 for the life of the case.
Vehicles may be purchased as a transportation service for clients if necessary to carry out the rehabilitation plan or achieve the employment outcome.
Purchase of vehicles may be considered only if no other cost-effective transportation alternative exists.
Purchase of vehicles may be considered if the total cost of the purchase and related fees would be less than alternative monthly transportation fees when considered over the life of the case.
The feasibility of other alternatives, such as public transportation or transportation provided by family, co-workers, friends or other students or the use of drivers, must be explored and documented in the record of services.
Under such circumstances, the purchase of a vehicle is available to any eligible client, regardless of the significance of the disability, as long as the individual is in an open category of service through Order of Selection.
If the counselor and client determine that purchase of a vehicle is the only alternative, the following procedures shall be followed:
All transportation services are support services and can only be provided in conjunction with non-support services. (Vehicle purchase is not a stand-alone service.)
The client should have a valid driver's license or have access to a licensed driver prior to purchase of the vehicle.
The vehicle shall be inspected by a professional auto mechanic who is not involved in the sale prior to the purchase. RS will pay for this inspection. See Section 8 / Part 47.
The current Counselor's spending authority (cost cap) for purchase of vehicles is $1,999 for the life of the case. Use Code 810. See Section 3 / Part 8.
RS may pay for sales tax and insurance as additional expenditures separate from the purchase price.
The vehicle must be paid for in its entirety. RS funds may not be used as a down payment; but RS funds may be used in conjunction with other resources provided by the client.
Economic Need policy applies to vehicle and related purchases.
RS will authorize payment to the seller of the vehicle.
RS will use imprest funds to secure a check to the seller as payment for the vehicle. The counselor will arrange to release the check in exchange for the signed title. (This process is intended to allow for a direct exchange of the payment for the title, rather than having the owner hold the title until a state warrant is mailed.)
The client will have title to the vehicle.
During the life of the case, the client may not dispose of the vehicle without prior written approval of the counselor. The client will be required to sign the Vehicle Purchase Agreement. See Section 8 / Part 48.
If RS purchases the vehicle, or if the client already owns a vehicle, RS may pay for liability insurance, personal property tax and the license plates/vehicle registration during the life of the case if needed to assure that the client can participate in his/her IPE services or to facilitate achievement of the employment goal. Only the minimum legally required liability insurance will be funded by RS. The rehabilitation plan should address how the client will participate financially in accordance with Economic Need policies and the counselor and client should discuss how such expenses can eventually be assumed by the client.
There may be instances when repairs are needed for a vehicle owned by the individual. If use of the vehicle is essential for the individual’s participation in the IPE or for achievement of the employment outcome, vehicle repairs may be authorized if no other source exists to finance the needed repairs.
Vehicle repair is a support service (transportation) and may only be provided in conjunction with non-support services. The Counselor's spending authority (cost cap) for the life of the case is $1,000. See Section 3 / Part 8. Use Code 830.
ATVs may be purchased when necessary for participation in the IPE or achievement of an employment outcome, and no reasonable alternative exists. ATV purchase is an assistive technology service. Use Code 410. The Counselor's spending authority (cost cap) for all assistive technology services is $11,250 for the life of the case. See Section 3 / Part 8.
Effective Date: May 1, 1998